Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Mathematics

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Classified in Mathematics

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delivers-aredelivered/delivered-were delivered/has delivered-have been delivered/had delivered-had been deliverd/is delivering-are being delivered/was delivering-are being delivered/will delivred-will be delivered/to deliver-to be delivered/must be + vb en 3º columna/.Ora0 Presente+presente-VerdadesUniversales/Ora1 Presente+Futuro (will)/Ora2 Pasado+would-sueños/Ora3 PastPerfect (had)+ would have+ 3º columna- irreparables // abnormal adapt anti-globalization anti-social anti-technology antibiotic antibiotic attractive bacon-shaped battery-operated biotechnology bioterrorism ceramic child-friendly chocolate-shaped  clon clone  delicious design develop discover disposable dustproof  eco-friendly economical eye-catching funky giant-sized
... Continue reading "jjjjj" »

Probability and Statistics Problems with Solutions

Classified in Mathematics

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1) If a toy company is planning to introduce 3 new toys next Christmas. The toys sales can be a success or a failure, what is the probability that at least 2 of the toys are a success?

FFF FFS FSF FSS 4/8 = ½ = 0.5


For problems 2 and 3: a guitar manufacturer has an average daily production of 60 units, with a standard deviation of 7 units per day. If the guitar production distribution is mound shape:

2) What percentage of days in a month will have a daily production between 53 and 74 units?


3) What percentage of days in a month will have a daily production of more than 67 units?

x>67 = 16%

4) A combination lock system has three ten-digit (0 to 9) number wheels side by side. How many four-digit opening numbers are possible if... Continue reading "Probability and Statistics Problems with Solutions" »

Concept of education

Classified in Mathematics

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1.‐ Niamh is the student participating in the Erasmus pro

2.‐ a.‐ “we should all apply for it.” Recommendation that

all students apply for the Erasmus project b.‐ “we all

were still grateful” they were grateful despite not getting

what they wanted. C.‐ “After filling out papers and

forms” Completing the paperwork for the project

d.‐ “I would like to set up” she wants to begin the

creation of something. E.‐ “regardless of studying

Spanish for a year.” Despite studying Spanish during one

year she knew none. 3.‐ a.‐ It was good to know

someone spoke English. B.‐ They took him to the local

farm. C.‐ Because she gained experience and that would

be useful in the future.

VOCABULARY a.‐ English... Continue reading "Concept of education" »

Blood test "solt

Classified in Mathematics

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Write your tLecture 1

Descriptive statistics: Describe and summarize the data from the sample.

Probability models describe a model For the population which can be used to make probability statements about what Can be seen in the sample.

Statistical Inference goes in the Other direction. It uses the data in the sample to make inference about Features of  the population with Associated confidence and/or error bounds.

SPSS: Rows are subjects/units which are also Referred to as cases.

Columns are Things which are being measured on the cases. These are called variables.


Obtaining Frequency tables:

Analyze -> Descriptive Stats -> Frequencies

Bar Graph: Graphs -> Legacy Dialog -> Bars -> Simple -> Category Axis (zyg)

Pie Chart:... Continue reading "Blood test "solt" »

Introduction to Statistics

Classified in Mathematics

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Statistics: The Science of Organizing Data

Statistics is the science of organizing data to draw conclusions or answer questions.

Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive statistics describe data through numerical summaries and graphs.


Variables are characteristics of individuals within the population.

Discrete and Continuous Variables

Discrete variables are counted, while continuous variables are measured.

Nominal and Ordinal Variables

Nominal variables are named, while ordinal variables are ranked or ordered.

Interval and Ratio Variables

Interval variables have no meaningful zero and equal intervals between values, while ratio variables have a meaningful zero.

Types of Variables in a Study

The response variable is what is being studied, the explanatory... Continue reading "Introduction to Statistics" »

Financial and Space Vocabulary: Key Terms & Phrases

Classified in Mathematics

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Financial Terms

  • Save up: Ahorrar
  • Borrow: Pedir prestado
  • Credit card: Tarjeta de crédito
  • Instalments: Plazos
  • On direct debit: Cargo en cuenta
  • Inherit: Heredar
  • Heir: Heredero
  • Treat yourself: Darte un capricho
  • Invest wisely: Invertir sabiamente
  • Donate to charity: Donar
  • Hand sth over to someone: Entregar algo a alguien
  • A £50 note: Billete de 50 libras
  • Being successful and having lots of money: Prosperity
  • When you spend more money than you have in your bank account: Overdraft
  • When a business's costs and their profits are the same: Break even
  • Legally declared as unable to pay one's debts: Bankrupt
  • Wealthy: Affluent
  • Items of value owned by a person or business: Assets
  • To waste money: Squander
  • Total amount spent: Expenditure
  • Not worth what you paid: Rip-off
  • Profitable:
... Continue reading "Financial and Space Vocabulary: Key Terms & Phrases" »

Vocabulary Builder: 35 Essential Words with Definitions

Classified in Mathematics

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Vocabulary Builder: 35 Essential Words


1. Agonized

Manifesting, suffering, or characterized by great physical or mental pain.

2. Ample

Large and accommodating.

3. Assent

The expression of approval or agreement.


4. Befall

(Of something bad) happen to someone.


5. Chariots

A two-wheeled horse-drawn vehicle used in ancient warfare and racing.

6. Conceive

Become pregnant with (a child). Form or devise (a plan or idea) in the mind.

7. Cordial

Friendly, warm.


8. Dews

Moisture condensed from the atmosphere, especially at night, and deposited in the form of small drops upon any cool surface.

9. Divine

Of, from, or like God or a god.

10. Doe

Female deer.


11. Foe

An enemy or opponent.


12. Gossamer

Used to refer to something very light, thin, and insubstantial or delicate.... Continue reading "Vocabulary Builder: 35 Essential Words with Definitions" »

Law 19983 on

Classified in Mathematics

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1. Give a direct proof of the following: “If x is an odd integer and y is an even integer, then x + y is odd”.

Suppose x = 2k + 1, y = 2l. Therefore x + y = 2k + 1 + 2l = 2(k + l) + 1, which is odd.

2. Consider the following theorem: If n is an even integer, then n + 1 is odd. Give a proof by contraposition of this theorem.

Suppose n + 1 is even. Therefore n + 1 = 2k. Therefore n = 2k − 1 = 2(k − 1) + 1, which is odd

3. Consider the following theorem: If n is an even integer, then n + 1 is odd. Give a proof by contradiction of this theorem.

Suppose n = 2k but n + 1 = 2l. Therefore 2k + 1 = 2l (even = odd), which is a contradiction

4. Prove the following theorem: n is even if and only if n2 is even.

If n is even, then n2 = (2k)2 = 2(2k2), which

... Continue reading "Law 19983 on" »

Concept of education

Classified in Mathematics

Written at on English with a size of 1.51 KB.

Personal profile and key skills

A Person who uses all his knowledge to obtain the best results in the company and Able to generate an environment of trust with my colleagues to work effectively

Employement history

Apple, Coca Cola  Samsung and  Lamborghini  S.A.De Cv


Advising  Each of our clients to helping  them with the purchases they need and apply Sales techniques to generate income.


Increase in Sales in less than a month, new real customers and the expansion of a new Market


§UTVT, Mtr. In International Business

§Dr.  In Political Marketing

Hobbies and interest

§reading business Books

§playing soccer and Chess

§learning the Chinese language

§teaching sales Techniques

Production Cost Calculation: A Step-by-Step Analysis

Classified in Mathematics

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This document outlines the steps to calculate production costs, including equivalent units and costs for work-in-progress (WIP) and finished goods.

Step 1 - Determine the units of product to account for (how much inventory do we need to track?)
Units in beginning WIP30,000
+ Units started this period155,000
= Total units to account for185,000
Step 2 - Determine the number of units of product accounted for (where is the inventory at the end of the month?)
Step 2 MUST equal Step 1
Units in beginning WIP30,000
+ Units started and completed during the period119,000149,000 finished - 30,000 started last month = 119,000 started and finished this month
+ Units in ending WIP36,00030,000 Beg WIP + 155,000 started - 149,000 finished = 36,000 not finished
= Total
... Continue reading "Production Cost Calculation: A Step-by-Step Analysis" »