Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Law & Jurisprudence

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Risk Management: Identifying, Assessing, and Responding to Risks

Classified in Law & Jurisprudence

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The formal process by which risk factors are systematically identified, assessed, and responded to. Risk management concentrates on identifying and controlling areas or events that have the potential of causing unwanted change.

The Main Objective of Risk Management

The main objective of risk management is to detect, analyze, and control the risks.

Detection of Risks

Involves identifying the threats and vulnerabilities that can affect the organization's assets. It is essential to have experience for the identification of risks as they can originate from random sources and don't follow a fixed pattern. Detection is often the toughest part as risks can often be overlooked.

Analysis of Risk

Deals with the collection and calculation of data regarding... Continue reading "Risk Management: Identifying, Assessing, and Responding to Risks" »

Consumer Rights and Protection: A Guide to Consumer Bills and Movement

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Consumer Rights and Protection

The Right to be informed: - You have the benefit of receiving accurate information

- Consumer make wise decisions only if they have the information they need

The Right to choose

- Consumer have a variety of goods and services

- Business compete to sell the product and services to consumers

The right to Safety:

- You have the right to products that are safe to use

- Federal laws ensure that clothing, food, toys and other items

The right to be heard:

- Consumers who have complaints about products or services have a right to be heard

- Business rely on consumer satisfaction

To have problems corrected:

You can take a defective item back to the store with a receipt, some businesses replace it or issue a refund.

You can go to a... Continue reading "Consumer Rights and Protection: A Guide to Consumer Bills and Movement" »

Hypotech and Retention of Title: Elements, Objectives, and Formalities

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Hypotech - Elements: Subjective. Hypothecor and Hypothecee

Capacity. The constituent has to be the owner of the unmovable and the right to dispose of it. Objective: The thing has to be free of any other charge and can guarantee any type of obligation. Formal: Written agreement (obligation/sum of money covered.) Notarial deed and registration (Constitutive effect in SP, UK, GER, and Dutch).

The owner of the thing (debtor) remains the possessor of the thing and can use (civiliter use), enjoy, dispose and even burden it. The hypothec can be modified.

Retention of Title: Elements: Subjective.

Seller and buyer. Objective: Assets. Formal: Written and accepted special document (FR and BEL) versus no special document - adherence to the general agreement... Continue reading "Hypotech and Retention of Title: Elements, Objectives, and Formalities" »


Classified in Law & Jurisprudence

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tight-fitting(apretado)plain(basico)smart(elegante)baggy(ancho)patterned(estampado) editor(director)current affairs(asuntos actuales)trial(juicio)court(tribunal)judge(juez) jury(jurado)statement(declaracion)verdict(sentencia)fine(multa)be guilty(culpable) charge someone(acusar)convict someone(condenar) get away(alejar)imprision someone(encarcelar)kidnapping(secuestro)pickpocketing(carterista)forgery(falsificacion).

Build(is built), is building(is being built), is going to build(is going to be built), has built(has been built), built(was built), was building(was being built), had built(had been built), will build(will be built), will be building(will be being built), will have built(will have been built),can build(can be built).
... Continue reading "vgfg" »

Civil Rights and Education in the United States

Classified in Law & Jurisprudence

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Hispanic Americans

Largest minority, Identify with the Democratic Party, Longoria Affair: Felix Longoria was a Mex-American soldier that died during the WW2, Mrs. Longoria asked Tom Kennedy if the burial home can be used for Felix but was denied due to segregation. Dr. Hector Garcia, a Vet from WW2 and founder of American G.I., reached out to Senator Lyndon Johnson to secure the funeral for Felix at the Arlington National Cemetery  (news went nationwide) which lead to the turning point of Mexican American civil right movement due to Lyndon Johnson becoming President he was able to pass the Civil right Act and Voting Right Act.

American Indians

Begun to reassert their sovereignty and rights to self-government. Strained relations with state and... Continue reading "Civil Rights and Education in the United States" »

Common Idioms and Phrases Related to Work and Money

Classified in Law & Jurisprudence

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Making a living on the ball steady exchanging

Paid peanuts keep your eye on the ball release broke

Got sacked on your corner reassure affluent

Show you the hopes jump the gun brought up amount

Pulling your weight hitting below the belt mugger change

Profit get a head start con artist receipt

Pack keep track of pickpocket price tag

Deliver stunning shoplifter two for the price of one

Dare tell get caught the full price

Income apart let off at no extra cost

Take pride in flee proff cost of living

Take for granted can't help safeguard low cost

Take sides accomplishment fine out of this world

Take advantage of devote gets away with making a living

Negardless of guidance guilty on the ball

Like clockwork excel trial crime doesn't pay

Split reammate valuables money

... Continue reading "Common Idioms and Phrases Related to Work and Money" »

US v Haggar: Duty Exemption Dispute

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US v Haggar:


The Haggar Apparel Company sought a refund for duties imposed on a collection of its men's trousers that it had shipped to the US from an assembly plant in Mexico. The trousers' pre-treated fabric had been cut in the US and then shipped to Mexico, along with the thread, buttons, and zippers necessary to complete the garments. The US Customs Service claimed that the baking process, in addition to assembly, denied the duty exemption. Haggar contended that the baking was simply part of the assembly process. Haggar filed suit, seeking the refund, in the Court of International Trade. The court declined to treat the Customs Service's regulation as controlling and ruled in Haggar's favor.


Is the US Customs Service's regulation
... Continue reading "US v Haggar: Duty Exemption Dispute" »


Classified in Law & Jurisprudence

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no limit

full refund
great deal
small discount
high cost
large number

uphold = tosupportordefend
overthrow = toputanendtobyforce
overrule = to rule or decide against
overhear = Iaccidentallyoverheard
downplay = toreduceemphasison
its importance
downsize = toreduceinnumber
undergo = toendure;sustain
undertake = topromise,agree

setting out
ran into
kicks in
set off
rang out
turned out
won through

arid desert-island-landscape
intrepid traveller-group-voyage
idyllic spot-conditions-setting
gruelling hike-climb-race
swirling mist-water-wind
exquisite waterfalls-flowers-views

blow his top
he flew into a rage
sudden outburst of temper
let off steam
throws a tantrum

inconsiderable sum
timeless classic
adopted country
... Continue reading "fsafsa" »

Filador plaster

Classified in Law & Jurisprudence

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outflank-move round the side of sth, detour-long route thats taken to avoid sth, plaster-display widely, encroaching-advance gradually, puncture-cause a sudden collapse, disclaimer-statement that denies sth, lead-a piece of inf. That may help, pounce-swiftly and suddenly take sth, maelstorm-situation of confused movement, conducive-making a situation possible, nascent-coming into existence, nonchalantly-calm and relaxed, bolt-unexpected action, dispute-disagreement or argument, up market-expensive, drawback-smth that makes smth less attractive, contemporary-living or occuring at the same time, boast-when sth possess sth else, to go back-2 people knowing each other long, fall out-have an argument, add set-argument, consent-permission for sth,
... Continue reading "Filador plaster" »

Understanding Public and Private Law: Major Branches and Functions

Classified in Law & Jurisprudence

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1. How would you characterize public and private law?

Public law deals with issues that affect the general public or state, society as a whole. Including Administrative law, Constitutional laws, Criminal laws, Municipal laws and International laws.

On the other hand, private law affects the rights and obligations of individuals, families, businesses and small groups and exists to assist citizens in disputes that involve private matters, which includes Contract law, Tort law - rights, obligations and remedies provided to someone who has been wronged by another individual, Property law, Succession law - governs the transfer of an estate between parties And Family law.

2. Which are the major branches of private law?

Private law deals with the mutual... Continue reading "Understanding Public and Private Law: Major Branches and Functions" »