Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Language

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Thomas Edison: A Life of Innovation and Curiosity

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"Why?" That was Thomas Edison's favorite question from the time he learned to talk. He spent his whole life exploring why and how things work. And once he knew how something worked, he tried to figure out how to make it better.

Although he was smart and curious, he did not do well in school. In those days, students memorized facts, but he wanted to ask questions and explore.

"Why?" That was Thomas Edison's favorite question from the time he learned to talk. He spent his whole life exploring why and how things work. And once he knew how something worked, he tried to figure out how to make it better.

Although he was smart and curious, he did not do well in school. In those days, students memorized facts, but he wanted to ask questions and explore.... Continue reading "Thomas Edison: A Life of Innovation and Curiosity" »


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ñ6Dear Sir or Madam,

I ordered a new tablet computer (a Gamma Pi 8 Pro at 187.50) from your website on 5th February. My order was placed at 18:30 and I received a confirmation email.The money was taken from my account the next day.

Unfortunately, when the tablet arrived it had been damaged and the screen was cracked. When I called your Customer

Help Line, I was told that I had to send it back.I sent it back immediately, but I still haven't received a replacement.

I would appreciate it if you could send a replacement or refund my money within one week. I have never had any problems using your website before and am disappointed

this has not been resolved sooner. I look forward to your reply and a quick resolution to this problem.

Tours faithfully

Maggie... Continue reading "jsjsjsjsj" »

English Grammar and Vocabulary Guide: Units 1-6

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Unit 1 People

"Be" Negative statement I+am+not+eating  Yes/No questions are+you+reading  "Possessive adjectives"   (my,your,his,her,its,our,your,their) 
"Occupations" (chef-pilot-dancer) "Countries" (Mexican,Japanese,French) "Nationalities" (Mexico-France-China) 
Unit 2 Work ,Rest an Play
"Simple Present Tense" Do+Verb (I-You-We-They) Does+Verb+S/ES (He-She-it) "Prepositions of time" At (12 o clock-10:00 am) On (Days-Years-Evening) In (Morning-Aftermoon) "Adverbs of frequency" (Always-Usually-Often-Sometimes) 
"Daily activities" (Get up-Brush your teeth-Go to bed) "Celebrations
... Continue reading "English Grammar and Vocabulary Guide: Units 1-6" »

Fundamentals of Linguistics: Properties and Systems

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Chapters 1-3

1. Basic Components of Linguistic Knowledge

Syntax: Rules for combining words

Pragmatics: How language is used

Semantics: Meaning of words and sentences

Phonology: Sound system of a language

Morphology: Smallest unit of meaning in language

2. Properties of Human Language

a. Vocal-Auditory Channel: Speech is based on sounds.

b. Interchangeability: The same person can both transmit and receive messages.

c. Complete Feedback: While speaking, we can monitor what we are saying.

d. Arbitrariness: No direct connection between a word and its referent.

e. Discreteness: Language is based upon a vocabulary of independent, movable units.

f. Displacement: We use speech to refer to things in other times or places.

g. Cultural Transmission: One generation... Continue reading "Fundamentals of Linguistics: Properties and Systems" »

Character Descriptions in The Picture of Dorian Gray

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Sibyl Vane

A poor, beautiful, and talented actress with whom Dorian falls in love. Sibyl’s love for Dorian compromises her ability to act, as her experience of true love in life makes her realize the falseness of affecting emotions onstage.

James Vane

Sibyl’s brother, a sailor bound for Australia. James cares deeply for his sister and worries about her relationship with Dorian. Distrustful of his mother’s motives, he believes that Mrs. Vane’s interest in Dorian’s wealth disables her from properly protecting Sibyl. As a result, James is hesitant to leave his sister.

Mrs. Vane

Sibyl and James’s mother. Mrs. Vane is a faded actress who has consigned herself and her daughter to a tawdry theater company, the owner of which has helped her... Continue reading "Character Descriptions in The Picture of Dorian Gray" »

Symbolism of Settings in The Scarlet Letter

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Symbolism of Settings in The Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter, a historical fiction masterpiece by Nathaniel Hawthorne, uses setting to powerfully connect fact and fiction. The diverse settings, such as the marketplace, the forest, the scaffold, and Hester's cottage, serve as symbols supporting the novel's themes.

The Marketplace: A Symbol of Puritan Society

The marketplace represents the austere Puritan society. As a main gathering place, it was always populated, and all laws were strictly enforced. Every action was observed and judged, reflecting the rigid nature of Puritan life.

The Forest: A Place of Autonomy and Truth

In contrast, the forest is the antithesis of the Puritan world. Here, individuals are autonomous, governed only by their own... Continue reading "Symbolism of Settings in The Scarlet Letter" »

Caedmon, Chaucer, and Shakespeare: A Literary Journey

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The English Language and People


The history of the English language and people is a biography, focusing on Caedmon. This narrative account, written by The Venerable Bede, informs readers about Caedmon's life, teachings, and beliefs, highlighting his importance as a historical figure during the Anglo-Saxon and Medieval periods. Bede's writing style reveals his purpose: to teach readers about Caedmon's contributions.

Caedmon's influence on the community stemmed from his hymns, songs, and poems, which he used to preach the word of the Lord. He embodied the idea that dreams can become reality, inspiring others to pursue their aspirations. By continuing God's vision of evangelization through his compositions, Caedmon shared his experiences... Continue reading "Caedmon, Chaucer, and Shakespeare: A Literary Journey" »

Hamlet: A Tragic and Captivating Story of Revenge and Life

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In my opinion, Hamlet is a very good work because it expresses all the feelings of a real son. Life and death are two prevalent themes in the work, as well as in our daily lives. I liked the way Hamlet's ideas are portrayed as he seeks to avenge the death of his father. He is truly a clever man, which is evident throughout the story.

I highly recommend this book. It's a captivating story that keeps you engaged and eager to find out whether Hamlet will ultimately succeed in avenging his father's death. It is a tragic tale that explores relevant topics of our time and will leave a lasting impact. It is truly a remarkable work that I highly recommend.

Biblical Stories of Obedience and Deceit

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The Lost Sheep

If some man has a hundred sheep, and one of them is lost for him, does not abandon he the ninety-nine in the mountain, and go and seek that one that he lost? And if he finds it, truly I tell you that he rejoices more for that one than over the ninety-nine that he has never lost.

Old Testament: Book of Genesis. Abraham and Isaac

  1. God wanted to test Abraham's obedience and called his name.
  2. And said to him in this manner.

The Elephant and the Fox: A Story of Friendship and Revenge

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The Elephant and the Fox

A Good Lesson from Moral Stories

2 min read

Aug 25, 2023



There were a fox and an elephant in a forest. The two lived very intimately, so much so that one could not leave the other. Across the river was a sugarcane field. One day, the elephant wanted to eat sugarcane.

The elephant said to the fox, "Today I want to eat sugarcane."

The fox replied, "Yes, I also want to eat. It has been a long day, and I have not eaten."

"But how do we cross the river? I can't swim," said the fox.

The elephant said, "I will carry you on my back."

The elephant carried the fox on his back and crossed the river. Together, they went to the sugarcane field. The fox ate quickly and got full, but the elephant's stomach did not get full. The... Continue reading "The Elephant and the Fox: A Story of Friendship and Revenge" »