Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of History

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Spanish Civil War: A Deep Dive into 1931-1939

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The Second Republic of Spain (1931-1936)

The Second Spanish Republic was proclaimed in 1931 after the departure of King Alfonso XIII following municipal elections largely won by Republican candidates. The Republic represented a significant shift towards modernization and social reform, driven primarily by workers and leftist parties.

Key Events of the Second Republic:

  • April 1931: The Second Republic is proclaimed, and Alfonso XIII goes into exile. (PSOE - Spanish Socialist Workers' Party)
  • December 1931: The Republican Constitution is approved.
  • November 1933: Right-wing parties win general elections. (CEDA - Spanish Confederation of Autonomous Right-wing Groups)
  • February 1936: The Popular Front (a coalition of left-wing parties) wins the general elections.
... Continue reading "Spanish Civil War: A Deep Dive into 1931-1939" »

Mesopotamian Civilization: Society, Economy, Religion

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The Rise of Mesopotamian Civilization

On the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, the main urban settlements that were to play a leading role in the three millennia of Mesopotamian history emerged. The periodic overflowing of their banks irrigated and enriched the surrounding land, allowing intensive agricultural exploitation. This favored the appearance of stable settlements and their development. Cities such as Uruk, Ur, Lagash, Assur, Mari, and Babylon, among many others, arose, governed independently from a temple-palace.

Mesopotamian Society and Governance

The temple-palace organized the economy and held the political and military monopoly, as it was where the production and surplus from their economic activities were stored. Society... Continue reading "Mesopotamian Civilization: Society, Economy, Religion" »

Cold War: Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, and Key Events

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The Cold War: Key Policies and Events

The Cold War was a period of geopolitical tension between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies. Here's a look at some key events and policies:

The Truman Doctrine

Introduced in 1947 by President Harry Truman, the Truman Doctrine aimed to defend democracies against the spread of communism.

The Marshall Plan

Also introduced in 1947, the Marshall Plan was designed to help European countries rebuild their economies after World War II.

NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Established in 1949, NATO is a military alliance between the USA and Western Bloc countries.

The Warsaw Pact

Formed in 1955, the Warsaw Pact was a military alliance between the USSR and Eastern Bloc countries, including... Continue reading "Cold War: Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, and Key Events" »

Islamic Principles: Zakat, Riba, Hajj, and Social Conduct

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Riba's Contribution to Poverty

Riba (usury) exacerbates poverty by exploiting people's wealth. It is a significant factor in rising prices and economic recession. Furthermore, it diminishes charitable acts and cooperation within society. From a moral standpoint, it strips human actions of their blessings. Borrowers often struggle to repay loans, ultimately leading to increased interest and indebtedness.

Risks of Accusing Chaste Women of Adultery

Accusing a chaste woman of adultery is an extremely serious offense and constitutes slander. Such accusations jeopardize her reputation and honor, leading to defamation within the community. They can also severely damage families, promote immorality, and foster animosity among people.

Benefits of Zakat

... Continue reading "Islamic Principles: Zakat, Riba, Hajj, and Social Conduct" »

Napoleon's Reign and the Spanish War of Independence

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In 1802, Napoleon was named First Consul for life after his victory in Italy. In 1804, he was declared Emperor. He established the Civil Code, covering marriage, divorce, education, and inheritance.

Napoleon conquered many areas of Europe and spread Enlightened policies, but Austria, Prussia, and Great Britain tried to prevent it. Napoleon also had many problems when he invaded Spain and Russia. Finally, Napoleon was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815.

Napoleon in Spain

Napoleon's Occupation of Spain

Charles IV and his minister Manuel Godoy supported Napoleon against Britain, but Spain was defeated at the Battle of Trafalgar (1805).

In 1807, Spain and France signed the Treaty of Fontainebleau, by which Charles IV let the French troops... Continue reading "Napoleon's Reign and the Spanish War of Independence" »

Isabel II's Reign in Spain: A Historical Analysis

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The Reign of Isabel II (1833-1868)

The reign of Isabel II can be divided into two main phases: her minority, with two regencies (her mother, Maria Cristina of Naples, who was soon confronted by the Carlist Wars, and General Espartero), and her majority, which went through three stages: the Moderate Decade, the Progressive Biennium, and the Liberal Union.

Regency of Maria Cristina (1833-1840)

Maria Cristina faced two major problems: war and the institutional organization of the liberal regime.

a) The Carlist Wars

The country was divided between Carlists and Isabellinos (Elizabethans). Traditionalists were loyal to Don Carlos, while those who supported Isabel had to align themselves with the liberals. The Carlist monarchists were traditionalists,... Continue reading "Isabel II's Reign in Spain: A Historical Analysis" »

Carthago Nova. Archeology and epigraphy in the city walls.

Posted by Javi and classified in History

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Sebastian F. Ramallo Asensio (Universidad de Murcia)

Militum deinde quod eos non conlaudavit virtutem eruptio hostium, non altitudo moenium, Stagni inexplorata non vada, non castellum in high Tumulo situm, non munitissima arx deterruisset quo minus transcenderent omnia perrumperentque.

(T. Livy, XXVI, 48, 4)

This text of the History of Rome Livy clearly expresses components of the defensive apparatus of the city founded by Hasdrubal: the height of its walls, the shallow lagoon unexplored, the fortress located on high hill and the well-defended fortress components, all of which, coupled with the excellent conditions of its harbor and its strategic position in the communication routes to Africa and Italy through the Balearic Islands (Appian,

... Continue reading "Carthago Nova. Archeology and epigraphy in the city walls." »

Medios alternativos en la solucion de conficto

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diga la naturalez ade lps medios alternativos de solucion de conflictos
son contrahegemonicos porque nacieron , en lo moderno en rusia para oponerse al poder opresor del estado
carasteristicas de los medios alternativos de solucion de conflictos
si son voluntarios , si son formales ,
la mediacion y la negociacion son informales
el arbitraje y la mediacion son formales

que limita al poder hegemonico de los gobiernos
lo alternativo o segunda opcion y posibilidad de resolver los problemas , sin la intervencion del poder opresor y hegemonico del estado

explique los principales procesos alternativos
transaccion o negociacion , mediacion, arbitraje y conciliacion
cricis que atraviesa ell poder judicial
el congestionamiento... Continue reading "Medios alternativos en la solucion de conficto" »


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31 nervos pares
3º mes de vida= curvatura secundaria  cervical
6º mes de vida= curvatura secundaria lombar
2 curvaturas primarias: toracica e sacral.
2 cuvaturas secundarias: cervical e lombar.
4 curvaturas
Curvaturas da coluna vertebral:
Curvaturas primarias: mantem o sentido da curvatura da coluna fetal: toracica e sacral
Curvaturas secundarias: Cervical (surge em torno do 3º mes de vida, quando a criança ja sustenta o peso da cabeça.
Lombar: surge em torno do 6º mes de vida, quando a criança ja sustenta o corpo em posição ortostatica)
Cifose: acentuação das curvaturas primarias= toracica e sacral
Lordose: acentuação das curvaturas secundarias= cervical e lombar
Quando a lordose é muito acentuada, denomina-se hiperlordose
Escoliose:... Continue reading "Notebook" »


Classified in History

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Submetida a um tratamento médico, uma pessoa ingeriu um comprimido contendo 45 mg de ácido acetilsalicílico (C9H8O4). Considerando a massa molar do C9H8O4 180g/mol e o número de Avogadro 6.10²³, o número de moléculas da substancia ingerida é?
Primeiro transformando mg para g


x = 0,045g

1 mol.........................180g


x = 0,00025mol

1 mol...............6,0 . 10²³


x = 1,50 . 10^20

A balança mais precisa pode detectar uma variação de aproximadamente 10( elevado -8g). Quantos átomos de ouro existiriam em uma amostra desse peso?
Primeiramente consulte uma tabela periódica para obter a massa atômica do ouro( ma = 197u)
assim, a

... Continue reading "Vaodale" »