Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of French

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Comparative and Superlative Adjectives, Past Simple, Future Simple, and Present Continuous

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adj+er+than ejm: Oscar is taller than Blanca / Susana is more famous than Kia


the+adj+est ejm: Susana is the happiest / Eloddie is the most wonderful

Irregular Adjectives:

good / better than - the best; bad / worse than - the worst; far / further than - the furthest.

Past Simple:

+ed - didn't / did; Past Continuous: +was were - wasn't werent / ¿was were; ing en todos

Future Simple:

s+will+inf / s+will wont+inf / ¿will s+inf? ejm: I will go to the dentist.

Be Going To:

s+V to be+going to+inf / s+v to be+not+going to+inf / ¿v to be+s+going to+inf? ejm: I'm going to go to the dentist

Present Continuous:

s+v to be+v ing+ / s+vtobe+not+v ing / ¿v to be+s+v ing? ejm: I'm going to the dentist.

The Importance of Dreams and Their Meanings

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Reasons Why People Dream

Dreams encompass thoughts, images, and content experienced during sleep. One perspective on why we dream is the activation-synthesis model. During REM sleep, brain circuits activate, affecting the limbic system's regions involved in sensations, emotions, and memories, including the hippocampus and amygdala.

The brain synthesizes and interprets this internal activity, attempting to find meaning in the signals, leading to dreaming. This model suggests that dreams result from internally generated signals and are not entirely meaningless. Dreaming is depicted as a creative conscious state with spontaneous, chaotic recombination of cognitive elements.

While many dream ideas may seem nonsensical, some can be useful, suggesting... Continue reading "The Importance of Dreams and Their Meanings" »

Shift of Power in the Marketplace and Quality Dimensions

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1. Which represents the shift of power in the marketplace?

From a sellers' to a customers' market

2. Which are the two dimensions of quality?

Market-perceived quality and performance quality

3. What is a term used to identify concern with the environmental consequences of marketing activities?

Green marketing

4. What are the critical issues that affect product development in relation to the control of packaging waste and consumer demand for environmentally friendly products?

The control of the packaging component of solid waste and consumer demand for environmentally friendly products

5. What is the process by which innovation spreads?


6. What is the goal of the diffusion researcher and the marketer according to Everett Rogers?

To... Continue reading "Shift of Power in the Marketplace and Quality Dimensions" »

Vocabulary for City Life and Social Interaction

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Slum (Barrio Bajo)

Urban street or district inhabited by very poor people.

Low-Income (De Bajos Ingresos)

Of or belonging to people who earn low wages.

Juvenile Delinquency (Delincuencia Juvenil)

Criminal acts or offenses by a young person.

Homeless (Sin Hogar)

Person who doesn't have a place to live and sleep.

Gangs (Pandillas)

An organized group of criminals.

Crime Rate (Tasa de Criminalidad)

Number of crimes that are committed during a period of time in a particular place.

Residential Area (Area Residencial)

Is a land used in which housing predominates, as opposed to industrial and commercial areas.

Suburbs (Afuera)

An outlying district of a city, especially a residential one.

Commute (Viajar a Diario)

Travel some distance between one'... Continue reading "Vocabulary for City Life and Social Interaction" »

Fashion and Education Vocabulary: Essential Terms

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Fashion Vocabulary


Here are some essential terms and phrases related to fashion:

  • To be on trend: To be very fashionable.
  • Designer label: A well-known company that makes (often expensive) clothing.
  • Dressed to kill: Wearing clothes that attract admirers.
  • To get dressed up: To put on nice clothes, often to go out somewhere special.
  • To go out of fashion: To not be in fashion anymore.
  • Hand-me-downs: Clothes that are passed down from older brothers or sisters to their younger siblings.
  • To have an eye for (fashion): To be a good judge of fashion.
  • To have a sense of style: The ability to wear clothes that look stylish.
  • The height of fashion: Very fashionable.
  • To keep up with the latest fashion: To wear the latest fashions.
  • To look good in: To wear something that
... Continue reading "Fashion and Education Vocabulary: Essential Terms" »

French-English Job Vocabulary Glossary

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French-English Job Vocabulary


  • Agent de voyage: Travel Agent
  • Agent immobilier: Estate Agent
  • Apprendre vite: Be a Fast Learner
  • Arriver: Turn Up
  • Assistant social: Social Worker
  • A tout moment: At Any Time
  • Avoir besoin de: Require
  • Avoir de l'exp. en: Have Experience Of
  • Avoir honte: Feel Ashamed
  • Avoir l'idée de: Come Up With
  • Avoir les compétences: Possess Skills
  • Avoir une vue excellente: Have Excellent Eyesight


  • Candidat approprié: Suitable Candidate
  • Charpentier: Carpenter
  • Chercher du travail: Look for a Job
  • Commerce de détail: Retail
  • Compétences personnelles: Personal Skills
  • Comptable: Accountant
  • Compter sur: Rely On
  • Confus: Confused
  • Courageux: Brave


  • Dégoutant: Disgusting
  • Dégouté: Disgusted
  • Dég qqun de qqch: Put Somebody Off Something
  • Démissionner: Resign From
... Continue reading "French-English Job Vocabulary Glossary" »

Fame: Advantages and Disadvantages of Celebrity Life

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Word Formation: Building Blocks of Language

Key Word Transformations

  • Adapt / Adaptation
  • Clone / Cloning
  • Design / Designer
  • Develop / Developer / Development
  • Discover / Discoverer / Discovery
  • Idea
  • Inspiration / Inspire
  • Invent / Invention / Inventor
  • Observation / Observe / Observer
  • Replace / Replacement
  • Research / Researcher
  • Revolution / Revolutionary / Revolutionize
  • Test / Tester

Common Prefixes

  • Anti-: Antibiotic, Anti-globalization, Anti-social, Anti-technology
  • Bio-: Biotechnology, Bioterrorism
  • Inter-: Interactive, Intergalactic, International
  • Micro-: Microorganism, Microwave
  • Mis-: Misunderstand
  • Multi-: Multicolored, Multi-ethnic, Multinational, Multi-talented, Multi-purpose, Multi-story
  • Over-: Overproduce, Overspend, Overeat
  • Pro-: Pro-GM, Pro-democracy, Probiotic
  • Re-
... Continue reading "Fame: Advantages and Disadvantages of Celebrity Life" »

Conditional Sentences, Environmental Care, and Crime Vocabulary

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Conditional Sentences in English

  • Zero Conditional: Present + Present
    • If you heat water, it boils.
  • First Conditional: Present + Future
    • If we leave now, we will catch the bus.
  • Second Conditional: Past Simple + Would + Base Verb
    • If you played well, you would win.
    • If you were on Venus, you would see the sun.
  • Third Conditional: Past Perfect (Had + Past Participle) + Would Have + Past Participle
    • If I had seen you, I would have said hello.

Protecting Our Planet: Simple Steps for a Big Impact

We've heard it since we were young: the Earth is in trouble. Our planet's health is deteriorating. But how can one person make a difference? There are many ways to help, and many are tied to your daily life.

Everyday Actions for Environmental Care

  • Shopping Bags: When you go
... Continue reading "Conditional Sentences, Environmental Care, and Crime Vocabulary" »

English Grammar and Idiomatic Expressions

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Sentence Structures

Green paint can be made by mixing...
My mother is said to sell books.
Books are sold by my mother.
Korea is known to have scored the last goal.
The last goal was scored by Correa.

You mustn't cheat in exams.
Someone must have seen Sabela yesterday.
Shall I help you with your...?
She can't be hungry because...

She shouldn't smoke because...
Angel was such a nice boy that he had many friends.
Would you like to have a coffee?
You'd better not do that.
I wish I had gone shopping...
If I had known it was you, I would have opened the door.
Shannon suggested going for a walk.
She is having her car repaired next week.
Although I worked hard, I didn't feel tired.
If only you didn't say nasty things.
The tall man, who she was working with, is my father.... Continue reading "English Grammar and Idiomatic Expressions" »

Teen Relationships: Friendships, Family Vacations, and Media Influence

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Is It Better for Teenagers to Focus on Friendships Rather Than Romantic Relationships?

It's recommended for teenagers to focus on friendships rather than romantic relationships. It makes total sense; the majority of teenagers are not ready to handle a relationship. Teenagers are still young and still have a long way to go in their lives. You don't know when or where you'll meet your soulmate. The odds are enormous! For that reason, stop seeking love instead of first letting it happen...

On the other hand, imagine breaking up with your significant other and realizing you have fallen head over heels in love with them. There's a possibility of losing your trust in future relationships or never being able to fall in love with someone else.

Moreover,... Continue reading "Teen Relationships: Friendships, Family Vacations, and Media Influence" »