Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Competitive examination

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Baroque Art: Magnificence, Power, and Drama in Europe and Latin America

Classified in Music

Written at on English with a size of 2.97 KB.

Artistic style that developed in Europe and Latin America during the 17th century and part of the 18th century. Represented the magnificence of the Absolute Monarchs and the Catholic Church as well as the power of the wealthy bourgeoisie.

Grandiosity, dynamism, and drama, equilibrium, symmetry, and rationalism.

Emphasis on motion and complexity. Curved, concave, and convex shapes. Shapes were created through light and color. Realism to heighten emotions and move or surprise the viewer. Theatrical backdrops. Churches were extravagantly decorated and represented the gateway to heaven. The decoration stimulates faith and piety.


The desire to incorporate a sense of movement. Churches and palaces. Curved cornices and split/broken pediments.... Continue reading "Baroque Art: Magnificence, Power, and Drama in Europe and Latin America" »

The War Horse: A Journey Through the Trenches

Classified in History

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Chapter Five

3) Captain Nicholls' Concerns

Captain Nicholls was deeply troubled by the war. Unlike many soldiers, he did not believe the conflict would be an easy victory. However, he hoped it would end before Albert could join the army.

5) Captain Nicholls and Stewart's Conversation

On their way to the barracks, Captain Nicholls and Stewart discussed the qualities of their horses.

Chapter Six

1) The Horses' Journey to France

The journey to France was arduous for the horses. They were nervous and fearful of the future and what might befall them during the war.

3) The Guns' Impact on Joey

The sound of the guns kept Joey awake at night.

5) Cavalry Squadron Losses

A quarter of the cavalry squadron was lost that day.

Chapter Seven

2) Trooper Warren's Care for

... Continue reading "The War Horse: A Journey Through the Trenches" »

Understanding the Legal System and Social Issues

Classified in Law & Jurisprudence

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Legal System and Social Issues

Authorities (power) / bravery / capitalism / citizen (population) / citizenship / civil servants (public)

/ colony (settlement) / community (society) / custom (tradition) / employment (job)
freedom (liberty) / healthcare / household (family) / law (rule) / majority / membership
monarchy (kingship) / neighbourhood (community) / ownership (possession) /
population (residents) / poverty (lack of) / slavery / socialism (leftism) / taxation (duty) / society / tolerance (acceptance) /
wealth (rich) / welfare state (social democracy) / wisdom (Sabiduria) / admit (confess) / arson (incendio) / burglary (robo) /
commit a crime (break the law) / community service (social welfare) / court (judicatory) / criminal record / curfew
... Continue reading "Understanding the Legal System and Social Issues" »

English Grammar and Vocabulary Exercises with Reading Comprehension

Classified in English

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  1. older
  2. never
  3. that
  4. have


  1. will have left
  2. was playing
  3. weighs


  1. hadn't destroyed
  2. worrying
  3. had sent
  4. would buy


  1. won't be allowed into the theatre unless you've got a ticket
  2. having my carpet cleaned at the moment
  3. to buy a cake for the party
  4. whose coat this is



  1. boring
  2. under
  3. preparing
  4. confident


  1. donate
  2. delay
  3. depress
  4. develop


  1. international
  2. peaceful
  3. responsible
  4. innocent


  1. respectful to their teachers
  2. butterflies in my stomach
  3. got married
  4. protesters


  1. ABB
  2. 1F2F3T4T
    1. deliberately
    2. architecture
    3. conquered
    4. culture
    5. popular
    6. temporary



  1. have won
  2. will have to
  3. will have finished
  4. was being decorated


  1. were watching
  2. will have been playing
  3. wouldn't have got
  4. travelling


  1. as tall as her cousin Joan
  2. suggested going
  3. the house where Charles Dickens was born
  4. must have got very wet in the
... Continue reading "English Grammar and Vocabulary Exercises with Reading Comprehension" »

Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma: Methods for Quality Improvement

Classified in Economy

Written at on English with a size of 2.59 KB.

Improvement methods:

1. Lean manufacturing is a system for maximizing product value. Six Sigma is a problem-solving methodology that uses its collection of tools to fix a specific project over a specific time period. All Six Sigma’s resources are targeted on this one project until the problem is fixed. While Lean Manufacturing encourages daily, general improvements, Six Sigma demands data-based, specific improvements for specific projects.

Six sigma:

Set of techniques and tools for process improvement. Their strategies seek to improve the quality of the output of a process by identifying and removing the causes of defects and minimizing variability in manufacturing and business processes.

The 6 Sigma method thus poses as a fundamental principle:... Continue reading "Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma: Methods for Quality Improvement" »

FAmily matters

Classified in History

Written at on English with a size of 4.63 KB.

2.JAR (a):

  1. In this poster I can see two women with a child looking from the window to their husbands that are going to the war.

  2. The colors are darks, because the situation in very hard and sad.

  3. Because is the important part in the message.

  4. It means that men have to got war to fight for their country without a doubt.

  5. The mother’s and the children. They are sad, because his father is going to war, but proud of him.

  6. In the beginning of the war.

2.JAR (b):

  1. Because in that period what women said was important in the family. I think that this is unfair, because they were using women.

  2. They would be cowards (galdetu, cobarde). And a shame for their families.

  3. To convince men to become soldiers to work in the name of England.


  1. Sometimes women were soldiers

... Continue reading "FAmily matters" »

SWOT Analysis Process Framework and Porter Value Chain

Classified in Social sciences

Written at on English with a size of 2.12 KB.

Analysis Process Framework

When analyzing a company, we should divide the analysis in two points: External and Internal. The focus of these analyses is to find their main Strengths, Weaknesses (internal analysis), Opportunities, and Threats (external analysis). After research we can finally build our SWOT analysis of the company.


  • Trends = PESTLE - allows the company to make specific choices when planning the company's future, from how the brand should be presented, to any changes within the structure of the company's organization, to the development of new products.
  • Sector = Porter’s 5 forces - Analytical model used to help identify the structure of an industry, and to help companies determine their competitive strategies.

Internal Analysis:

... Continue reading "SWOT Analysis Process Framework and Porter Value Chain" »

Psychology: The Scientific Study of Behavior and the Mind

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

Written at on English with a size of 1.99 KB.

Definition of Psychology

Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and the mind. The word 'psychology' comes from the Greek words 'psyche', meaning soul or breath, and 'logos', meaning study.

What Psychologists Do

  • Clinical psychologists: Focus on diagnosing and treating psychological problems in clinics, hospitals, and private practice. Different from counseling psychologists who focus on prevention and specific adjustment issues.
  • Applied psychologists: Apply psychology to practical problems in the real world. Examples include school psychologists, industrial/organizational psychologists, human factors psychologists, and sports psychologists.
  • Research psychologists: Conduct experiments and work in universities, colleges, and research institutes.
... Continue reading "Psychology: The Scientific Study of Behavior and the Mind" »

Good morning, have you got

Classified in Teaching & Education

Written at on English with a size of 7.56 KB.

Enquiry - Pedir información

Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing to enquire about you products

We are distributors of  clothing imported from the USA, and are interested in you summer collection.

I would be grateful if you could send me yours catalog and price list.

Could you also send me yours payment terms and delivery terms?

I look forward to hearing from you soon

Sincerely yours

Enquire - Dar información

Dear Sir or Madam

Thank you for you email of 2 February inquiring about our jeans and t-shirts

As you request, I am attaching the catalogue and price list as a PDF

With reference to discount for bulk orders OVER € 5 000, 2 000 units.

Regarding our delivery, we dispatch withing 3 days.

Our payment terms are NET 30 days, by bank transfer or pre-

... Continue reading "Good morning, have you got" »

Understanding Key PPC Metrics & Concepts

Classified in Other subjects

Written at on English with a size of 1.07 KB.

Real-Time Bidding (RTB)


Buying and selling online ad impressions through real-time auctions, occurring as a webpage loads.

Return on Investment (ROI)


A performance measure evaluating investment efficiency.


ROI = (Current Value of Investment - Cost of Investment) / Cost of Investment

Quality Score


Google's rating of keyword and ad quality/relevance, impacting cost-per-click (CPC) and ad rank.

Negative Keywords


Keywords preventing ad display for specific searches.



The number of times your content is displayed.

Call-to-Action (CTA)


A statement prompting an immediate response, guiding potential customers.



A valuable website action beyond a simple visit, specific... Continue reading "Understanding Key PPC Metrics & Concepts" »