The War Horse: A Journey Through the Trenches

Classified in History

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Chapter Five

3) Captain Nicholls' Concerns

Captain Nicholls was deeply troubled by the war. Unlike many soldiers, he did not believe the conflict would be an easy victory. However, he hoped it would end before Albert could join the army.

5) Captain Nicholls and Stewart's Conversation

On their way to the barracks, Captain Nicholls and Stewart discussed the qualities of their horses.

Chapter Six

1) The Horses' Journey to France

The journey to France was arduous for the horses. They were nervous and fearful of the future and what might befall them during the war.

3) The Guns' Impact on Joey

The sound of the guns kept Joey awake at night.

5) Cavalry Squadron Losses

A quarter of the cavalry squadron was lost that day.

Chapter Seven

2) Trooper Warren's Care for Joey

Trooper Warren helped Joey survive the winter. During that time, many of the horses in the cavalry were injured, and some were sent to the veterinary hospital and never returned. Trooper Warren took care of Joey and Topthorn.

4) Joey's Description of"No Man's Lan"

Joey described"no man's lan" as a place devoid of life and utterly destroyed.

Chapter Eight

1) Trooper Warren's Promise to Joey

Trooper Warren told Joey that they would not have to fight in any more campaigns.

2) Joey and Topthorn's Capture

When Joey and Topthorn realized they had no way to escape, they jumped the wire, but German soldiers surrounded them with their weapons.

3) Stewart's Order to Surrender

Stewart ordered Trooper Warren to surrender to the German soldiers.

4) Prisoners of War

The horses and soldiers became prisoners of war.

5) Captain Nicholls' Reassurance

Captain Nicholls reassured Joey and Topthorn, telling them not to worry about the German soldiers because they cared for their horses as well as the British soldiers did.

Chapter Nine

1) Injured Soldiers' Care for the Horses

Injured soldiers surrounded the horses as soon as they arrived at the hospital tent.

2) The Tall Officer's Orders

The tall officer ordered the soldiers to water, feed, and hydrate Joey and Topthorn.

3) Herr Hauptmann's Plans for the Horses

Herr Hauptmann wanted to use the horses for the war effort because they were riding horses.

4) Herr Hauptmann's Order for the Horses as Ambulances

Herr Hauptmann ordered the doctor to use the horses as ambulances for the injured soldiers.

5) Emilie and Her Grandfather's Visit

A girl named Emilie and her grandfather visited the stable to see the horses that night.

After she recovered, she went to care for Joey and Topthorn.

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