Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Chemistry

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Crystal Lattice and Unit Cell

Classified in Chemistry

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Q#6.3: Define (i) Crystal lattice (ii) Unit Cell.

Ans.(i) Crystal Lattice.

A particular three-dimensional arrangement of particles (atoms, ions, molecules) in a crystal is called a crystal lattice.

In a crystal lattice, particles are located at definite positions in space. These positions are represented by points in a crystal and are called lattice points or lattice sites. This arrangement is called a crystal lattice or space lattice. A crystal lattice actually shows the shape of a crystal.

(ii) Unit Cell.

The smallest geometrical portion of the crystal which is used to build up the whole crystal. OR

If is the smallest portion of a crystal lattice which includes all the positions of each type of particle in the crystal. For example, a cubic crystal... Continue reading "Crystal Lattice and Unit Cell" »

Coh3 chemical name

Classified in Chemistry

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An ion is an atom which has more or less electrons than protons

All atoms want to have a full shell/empty outer shell
Noble gasses have already a full outer shell
All other elements will give or take electrons=chemical reaction

Covalent bonds are.Stronger than ionic
they make molecules and they are formed between non_metals
These bonds are between atoms fighting ever some electrons bonds where electrons are shared

Different forms of carbon: Carbon(black, it can burn)
Graphite(Grey, used as lubricant)
Diamond(Transparent, cutting hard material)

Differences between covalent and ionic compounds:
Ionic: Volatility: none
Solubility: most are very soluble
Electrical conductivity: only when dissolved in water
-liquid form

Solubility: some
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Combustion, Oxidation, and Environmental Impact

Classified in Chemistry

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Hazard Symbols

Hazard symbols explain why a substance must be handled carefully.

Air Pollution from Burning Fossil Fuels

Complete combustion - the fuel reacts completely with oxygen, e.g.:

hydrocarbon + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water

Incomplete combustion - the fuel only partly reacts with oxygen, e.g.:

hydrocarbon + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water + carbon monoxide + carbon (soot)

Impurities in fossil fuels, such as sulfur, also react with oxygen when heated:

sulfur + oxygen → sulfur dioxide

At the very high temperatures in vehicle engines, nitrogen gas from the air reacts with oxygen:

nitrogen + oxygen → nitrogen oxides

Many products from burning fossil fuels are pollutants; they harm habitats and their organisms.

Acid Rain

Acid rain is rainwater... Continue reading "Combustion, Oxidation, and Environmental Impact" »

Comprehensive Vocabulary Guide: Definitions and Examples

Classified in Chemistry

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To sail or travel all the way around.


A fortress defending a city.


Concealed or secret for an evil purpose.


Of the highest quality.


To cling.


Having to do with the climate.


Covered walk, with columns on one side.


An exact duplicate.


A blow.


To cause to feel too full when eating; overly sweet.


To baby.


To ponder.


A group.


To honor the memory of.


To express sorrow or sympathy for.


Spacious, roomy.






To gather together.


To act or be in accordance with.




A settlement of differences in which each side gives up something.




Curved inward.



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Chemical Reactions and Their Impact on Industry

Classified in Chemistry

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Chemical Change vs. Phase Change

Chemical change: Produces new substances that didn't exist before.

Phase change: The substance remains the same before and after the process.

Dissolving: It is only a homogeneous mixture; no new substances appear.

Identifying Chemical Changes

How do we know if a chemical change is occurring?

  • Gas release: Gases may not be visible; we identify them by bubbles in a liquid.
  • Color change
  • Thermal energy change
  • Energy release as light

Understanding Chemical Reactions

A chemical reaction occurs when the starting substances, called reactants, transform into other new substances, called products.

The appearance of new substances is due to the rearrangement of the reactant's atoms, forming the products. The information about a chemical... Continue reading "Chemical Reactions and Their Impact on Industry" »

Divergence in the upper air results, near the surface in: atpl

Classified in Chemistry

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Ozone (O3 ) is a made with three oxygen atoms; it is very unstable and has a short lifetime. At room Temperature and pressure has acrid odour and no colour, although at high concentration levels can turn Into blue. At high concentrations can be toxic and can cause death. It s not emitted directly into the air, but is created by chemical reactions between oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOC) in the presence of sunlight. VOC + NOx + sunlight tropospheric O3Particulate Matter (PM) "Particulate matter," also known as particle pollution or PM, is a complex mixture of extremely small Particles and liquid droplets. Particle pollution is made up of a number of components, including acids (such as nitrates and sulfates), organic... Continue reading "Divergence in the upper air results, near the surface in: atpl" »

Coh3 chemical name

Classified in Chemistry

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An atom is the smallest  stable unit of matter 

An element is a pure substance made of only one type of atom.
There are about 120 elements , so 120 different atoms exist.

In the periodic table the elements are organized in rows.
The vertical columns are called groups
The horizontal rows are called periods. 
Li, Na and k are in the same group 
N , O , F are in the same period. 
If the elements are in the same group they have the same number of electrons in the outer shell.
This elements in their same groups can have similar chemical and physical  properties. 

Some groups have specific names :

Group 1 elements : are named ALKALI 
Group 2 elements : ALKALI EARTH METALS
Group 7 elements : HALOGEN 
Group 0 elements : NOBLE
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Structure and Properties of Atoms and Molecules

Classified in Chemistry

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  1. Structure of an atom -  An atom is composed of protons, electrons, and neutrons. The entire mass of an atom is concentrated in the nucleus which is at the centre.

    1. Protons - Protons are the positively charged particles which are present in the nucleus of an atom.

    2. Neutrons - Neutrons are the particles in an atom that have a neutral charge. 

    3. Electrons - An electron is a negatively charged subatomic particle that can be either bound to an atom or free

    4. Atomic Mass (what it represents) - The atomic number refers to the number of protons in the atom's nucleus, 

    5. Atomic Number (what it represents) - The atomic mass of an element represent the average total mass of its neutrons, protons, and electrons

  2. Standard Atomic Notation

    1. How to determine how many neutrons,

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Characteristics of Life, Cell Theory, and Atomic Structure

Classified in Chemistry

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Three major characteristics of life

1.Energy 2.Cells 3.Information
4.Replication 5.Evolution

The cell theory

All organisms are made of cells and come from pre-existing cells

Three major domains of life

Archaea, Bacteria-Prokaryotic microorganism, single-celled whose cells have no nucleus


A trait that increases the fitness of an individual in a particular environment
Genus-Made up of a closely related group of species
Species-made up of individuals who regularly breed together

Atoms are composed of


Atomic number-atoms with the same atomic number, have the same chemical properties, belong to the same element(Is on bottom and represents the number of protons)

Mass Number-

number of protons
... Continue reading "Characteristics of Life, Cell Theory, and Atomic Structure" »

Coh3 chemical name

Classified in Chemistry

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Ductility: Able to undergo change of form without breaking

·Malleability: capable of being shaped, as by Hammering or pressing:

·Density (give an Example): a measurement of how Tightly matter is crammed together. Example: Oil floats on vinegar because Its density is less.

  • Chemical properties of matter (give an Example): Are any of the properties Of matter that may only be observed and measured by performing a chemical change or chemical Reaction. Example: oxidation states

·What is a physical Change (give an example): A usually reversible change in the physical 

properties of a substance,as size or shape. Example: When melting an ice cube.

·Difference between Chemical properties and physical properties (give an example)

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