Weekend Celebrations, Travel Adventures, and Movie Reviews

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Hey Ana
How is everything? As I said last time, these last weeks I have many exams, but I have looked for a space to write and tell you about my weekend.

Last Saturday

, my family and I were preparing my sister's presents. On Saturday we celebrated her birthday. She was 23. We went to Candelaria to eat in a greenhouse. They renovated it and made it into a restaurant. We continued the afternoon with the family of my sister's boyfriend, talking and having a drink in a bar.

My Travel Blog

was when I was five or six years old.
I went with my parents and my sister to visit Paris. We were a few days at Disneyland Paris. It is an amusement park, with different types of attractions and activities. One hour of the day, there is a cavalcade with all characters of Disney.
I was afraid of some attractions or characters. I also remember that my father and my sister got on a roller coaster, and then I went up with my father, so many laps that gave me I get dizzy and I end badly.
I love the museums that we visited. It is an experience that we will not forget.
I recommend anyone go to live that adventure.

A Monster Calls

This film is based on a book of 2011, which has been directed by Juan Antonio Bayona.
It's about a young boy, named Conor O'Malley. Dream of a Monster that usually draws on dreams, is the representation of the fear that gives lose his mother, who has cancer.
The boy lives three tales that the Monster tells him, and only surpasses them facing fear.
The film lasts 108 minutes, was released in the United States on December 23, 2016, and on October 7, 2016 in Spain.
It's a very nice movie that gives a lot to think about.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Pocket Money

Today, it is more common for teenagers to start working from an early age, either to help in household expenses or to buy their stuff without resorting to parent's money.
Working in adolescence can be very advantageous for both the climb and the family, sometimes if it is not handled in the best way it can also prove negative.
One of the main benefits of teenagers working is that they mature much faster, working are more responsible. It teaches them to be independent and learn the value of work, they know they can only get what they want with their effort. When they do not learn quickly to organize, they can get to neglect the studies, in some cases, when they begin to see that with their money they can buy many things that before not, some teenagers end up leaving the studies because they prefer a job that allows them to have more money.

Carnival of Santa Cruz de Tenerife

This celebration is celebrated from many years ago, and we have not lost that tradition.
The carnival lasts a couple of weeks, it starts with the entrance of murgas, galas of the queen...and weeks later we celebrate the carnival of the streets, this tries to leave disguised in any way, every day of the week is celebrated something different, as well as the burial of the sardine, Ash Wednesday, etc.
I forgot to say, this party is the second best after Rio de Janeiro.

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