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Classified in Physics

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1) An experiment is setup to test the photoelectric effect with light incident on gold (the work function of gold is 5.1eV) The stopping potential is observed to be 2.9V. Find wavelength. Φ = 5.1eV, Vs=2.9v, Equation

2) A photon with an energy of 10Mev undergoes Compton Scattering. The recoiling electron has an energy of 7Mev. At what angle is the photon scattered?

3) Particle A decays to Particle B and a photon. The mass of Particle B is 91 GeV/c^2 and the velocity is 0.995c. What is the photon wavelength? 

5) What is the value of the constant A such that the wave function is properly normalized?

2) A photon with an energy of 10Mev undergoes Compton Scattering. The recoiling electron has an energy of 7Mev. At what angle is the photon scattered?

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