What is the time of the pet

Classified in Computers

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– Directory commands: Commands that work with directories (pwd, ls, cd, mkdir, rmdir)

– File commands: Commands that allow you to manage files (cp, mv, sort, cut, paste, diff, rm, uniq)

pwd it lets you know where you are in the tree

Basic listing (ls): Displays files and directories in your current directory.

-F  To distinguish between files and directories

-a  show hidden files starting with a dot (.)

 -l parameter to produce a long listing.

Allows you to make copy of a file

– cp [option] source destination 

 -i option for interactive mode to give you a warning before overwriting an already existing file. 

 -p option to preserve file access or modification times of the original file for the copied file.

Copy from current directory to sibling directory:

 – cp source ../sibling Copy file from parent to current directory: 

cp ../source .  Copy file from parent to current directory: 

– cp –R source_dir destination_dir   Recursively copy contents of a directory to another

mv source destination  Allows you to move or rename a file or directory

-i option for interactive

mkdir dir_1 dir_2 dir_3  creates those 3 directories

mkdir –p food/fruit/citrus/oranges   creates the intermediate directories

– rm –file  deleting of files

–i to get the warning as there is no Recycle Bin

-f option for forcible deletion (no warnings)

rmdir allows deleting of empty directories.

 rm –rf directory recursively deletes all contents of a file

– touch –t 201411251200 testfile  the modification date and time of a file

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