What is the time of the pet

Classified in English

Written at on English with a size of 3.36 KB.

Direct Question

Reported Question

Where is the Post Office, Please?

She asked me Where the Post Office was.

What Are you doing?

She asked me What I was doing.

Who was that fantastic man?

She asked me who That fantastic man had been.

Direct Order

Reported Order

Go To bed!

He told the Child to go to bed.

Don't Worry!

He told her not To worry.

Be On time!

He told me to be On time.

Don't Smoke!

He told us not To smoke.


then / at that time


yesterday / that day / Tuesday / the 27th of June


the day before yesterday / the day before / Wednesday / the 5th of December

last night

the night before, Thursday night

last week

the week before / the previous week


today / the next day / the following day / Friday

Direct Order      Reported Order

Go to bed!    He Told the child to go to bed.

Don't worry!                He Told her not to worry.

Be on time!  He told Me to be on time.

Don't smoke!              He Told us not to smoke. 

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