Time of useful consciousness

Classified in English

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body: personas

where: lugar

thing: cosa

  1. see...Nothing
  2. lives...Somewhere
  3. know...Something computers
  4. for...Somebody
  5. have...Something
  6. did...Domebody...No,nobody
  7. eat...Nothing
  8. them..Somewhere
  9. know...Nothing knows
  10. do you know..Anywhere

1who is working? 2 where are they doing? 3 what exactly are they doing? 4 where are there going later?

a)something - 3        I'm good at:soy bueno en

b)everybody - 1       I'm interested in:estoy interesado en

c)nowhere - 2           I hate:detesto odio

d)domewhere - 4      I can't stand:no soporto

I enjoy:yo disfruto     I don't mind:no me interesa

  1. I don't like sitting in meetings. Neither, do I
  2. I'm not very good at organizing my time. Neither, am I
  3. I'm good at organizing my time.So, am I
  4. I hate commuting to work. So, do I
  5. I can't stand making coffee formy boss. Neither, can I
  6. I'm interested in bearing languajes. So, am I
  7. I don't mind solving problems. Neither do I
  8. I enjoy talking on the phone. So do I

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