The narrative text

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The narrative text

A narrative is a text in which a narrator explains the development of events, which may be real or fictitious over time.

1. Characteristics of narrative text
The main features of narrative texts are:
· Are usually written in prose.
There · the presence of a narrator who tells the story.
· Linguistically, are based on the verb because the action expressed by the verb.
· Contains descriptions and dialogues.

2. Narrative text structure
The narrative text can present two types of structures:

· Or continuous linear structure: it is the most common type and is to explain the facts in chronological order. Has:
§ Approach or Introduction: This is the situation and the start of the conflict.
§ knot or development: central body of the narrative. Throughout the narrative tension increases the knot till the climax (climax announcing the outcome).
§ denouement or conclusion, the story ends. The outcome can be:
§ Closed: the conflict is resolved.
§ Open: the conflict is not decided clearly and the reader can imagine several ends.

· Structure nonlinear or discontinuous: the temporal order of events is altered. There are several resources to sort the facts of discontinuously:
§ action begins in medias res: the story begins in full development of the action. It is a sudden onset.
§ You can make a step backwards in time: analepsi or flash back.
§ You can anticipate in time: Prolepsis or flash forward.

3. Elements of the story
The basic elements of narration are: the narrator, time, space and characters.

The narrator: the story and sets the viewpoint from which to narrate the facts.
· Internal Narrator: intervening in the action. Maybe the character (1st person), a witness (3rd person) or multiselect (different character of the work that explain the story in 1st person).

· External or omniscient Narrator: not intervene in history. Explains the facts in 3rd person, from outside. Maybe:
§ Overall: if it knows everything, knows how people think.
§ Partial: only explains what he sees as a film camera.

The time and space:
· The historical time: the time when action occurs.
· The narrative time: hours, days or years it takes action.
· Space: where the action occurs.

Personality: beings are generally people involved in the action. According to its complexity can be:
· Plans: are simple and do not evolve.
· Round are complex and undergo changes.
Based on its function may be:
· Starring: are the main characters.
· Antagonists: the main characters face.
· Side: they are essential to the development of the action.

4. Main narrative genres
They are classified based on real or fictitious character of the events narrated.

Narrative genres of fiction.
· Epic or epic: vast narrative poem that tells the extraordinary actions of gods and legendary heroes of a people. Usually anonymous and traditional character.
Roman ·: narrative in verse that deals with the ancient legends connected with King Arthur.
· The story: short narrative, in prose, which explains the extraordinary facts.
§ The traditional fairy tale: it is anonymous, often transmitted orally and usually has moralizing function.
§ The story literary work of an author is known and written.
· Novel: Narrative extensive prose, which tells a fictional story with the desire that seems plausible. There are many types:
§ chivalric novel: appeared in the fifteenth century.
§ Historical novel: that appeared during the romance.
§ realist and naturalist novel: dominant in the second half of the nineteenth century.
§ Adventure Novel.
§ Psychological Novel: very important in the twentieth century.

Narrative genres that are not fiction:
· Essay: the author expresses his ideas on politics, religion, history ... It is closely linked to the newspaper article, published in the press and about current issues.
· Memories: autobiographical narrative in which the author explains the events that have lived and makes an assessment.

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