The last tea summary

Classified in Physics

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I am the chef Emiliano Peña and today I will propose a recipe to sweeten the soul. In this case we are going to cook some delicious cookies, these are ideal to eat at tea time.
We are going to need 200 grams of butter, 1/2 cup of black sugar, 2 spoons of salt, 4 cups of flour with baking powder, 4 spoons of flour and finally 1 cup of milk (as you can see you do not need too many ingredients).
The process is very easy and consists of four steps: Firstly you have to Put in a bowl the black sugar and the flour. Mix them well with your hands. 
Secondly, you have to Spread on a table the baking flour, the salt, the butter and milk. Mix quickly the ingredients.
Thirdly you have to Roll the pastry flat and cut out 5 cm circles. With the rest of the pastry do the same
Finally you have to Colour the cakes with milk and set them in the baking pan

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