Which of the following statements is true?,

Classified in English

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1. 1 went bald 2 picked up 3 ingest 4 inhabit 5 use up 6 emits 7 fool

2. 1 Caught the waiter's eye  2 pick up so many languages 
3 cut down on chocolate  4 took charge of the rescue operation
3. 1 outrageous 2 entretaiment 3 musicians 4 performers 5 pollution 6 political
4. 1 it must have rained 2 may / can i borrow 
3 i should have stayed 4 i could / would have helped 
5 i have to / must stop 6 what should i do
5. 1 must have been happy to see him
2 might / may have called yesterday  
3 i arrived ,Dad had been waiting for me for an hour 
4 might / may not join you tonight  5 Can't be true 
6 Coming here 
6. 1 I feel like dancing
2 You had better not eat more ice cream 
3 I've been swiming since I was two years old 
4 The lectures had been speaing for ten minutes 
5 i've never had a skiing lesson before 

1. 1 d 2 b
2. 1 F (this ... Evening)
2 T(clothes...Swtch)
3 T(... It ... Wardrobe)
3.1colleagues 2 foresse 3 to date 4 endless 
4 The new fibre will enable soldiers to identy other soldiers more easily

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