Principles of Flight

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·After wars, in the 1930s and The 1950s realism and politics rejected on modernism in documentary and Realistic forms. But there were experimental novelists: Samuel Beckett, Flann O’Brien, Lawrence Durrell and Malcolm Lowry.

·In the 1940s there was a Crisis in English fiction due to the disappearance of old principles of Cohesion, racial and national identity, gender roles and class. Furthermore, Those principles were recalibrated. This meant opportunities for imaginative Intervention in social change.

·The debate between realism and Innovation resulted in Angus Wilson’s No Laughing Matter (1967). It was A family saga (Galsworthy), with alternate narrators, dramatic interludes, Parodies and reflection on narrative.

·Iris Murdoch’s The Sea, The Sea (1978) broades upon the possibilities of language and structure.

·Innovation in English novel to Foreign languages:

ØIreland: James Joyce.

ØFrance: Jean-Paul Sartre, André Gide, Alain Robbe-Grillet and Barthes.

ØItaly: Italo Calvino.

ØUnited States: Thomas Pynchon And Vladimir Nabokov.

ØSouth America: Jorge Luis Borges and Gabriel García Márquez.

·Some factors in the 1970s and the 1980s brought changes in literature:

ØPolitical and literary Factors: Margaret Thatcher won the Elections in 1979, bringing economical liberalism. Also meant the break-up with Keynesian policies, and state intervention, privatisation, centralisation of Institutions (education) assaults on labour and trade unions and the attack on Achievements of the welfare state.

ØConsequences: outrage from Many novelists, and offence of the sensibilities. Postmodernism was produced by Thatcher (Tory), Major (Tory) and Blain (labour).

ØJournals: The New Review (Ian McEwan, Julian Barnes and Martin Amis) were transgressors in Format and contents; Granta had newest works in fiction (1889 – 1979) and New Statesman.

ØPrizes: the Booker started in 1969 to The best novel written in English and published in the United Kingdom in each Year, regardless of the nationality of the author.

·The Booker Marketing Council was a list with the 20 best British Fiction writers under 40 years old. Waterstones won the first bookshops in 1982. It was a way to Display books as attractive goods.

·Consequences: rebirth of British narrative in the 1980s. 

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