Whose mucosa secretes the potent gastric juice in the stomach, the food is stirred until becoming

Classified in Biology

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The digestive system transforms food into nutrients that are the right size to reach the body cells and be absorbed, consist of a group of organs and structures,the digestive tract and the accesory glands.

The digestive tract is a long, muscular tube varying in diameter.
Mouth,the entry point of the digestive tract, teeth to bite and break food into small pieces, a tongue to mix and swallow food as well as enable the sense of taste, the salivary glands.
Pharynx, a cavity shared by the digestive and respiratory system, air passes toward the larynx and food passes toward the oesophagus,the epiglottis is a small,flexible cartilage that prevents food from reching the respiratory tract. 
Oesophagus,a tube with a lenght of 25cm that extends down thw thorax, across the diaphragm and into the stomach, it connects the pharynx with the stomach.
Stomach, a wide part of the digestive tract found in the abdominal cavity, secrete the gastric juices.
Small intestine,a tube with a lenght of 6m in the abdominal cavity, divided into three segments:duodenum, jejunum, ilenium.
Large intestine, has a lenght of 1,5m,which surrounds the small intestine, into three parts:cecum,colon, rectum, the colon is divided into three segments: ascending, transverse, descending.
The accesory gland are located outside the digestive tract,produce digestive juices, this juices contain digestive enzymes,proteins that help to break down different nutrients. 
Salivary glands: produce a secrete salivainto the mouth, sublinguals (under the tongue), submandibulars (the jaw), parotids (close to the ears)
Pancreas: it is a long flat organ located below thw  stomach that secret pancreatic juice into the duodenum.
Liver:its the largest accesory gland, it store vitamins and minerals, it produces bile,it stored in the gall bladder, facilitate the digestion and absorption of lipids.

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