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Classified in Social sciences

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Introduction of the book, what is the title, author?

The title of the book is: “Start with why. How great leaders inspire everyone to take action” and is written by the English writer Simon Sinek.

Four-line summary of the book:

This book explains, throughout its pages, methods so that readers can understand how the start of a company works, training them as possible entrepreneurs. Throughout the book, he not only explains how a business works by giving examples of great entrepreneurs but also makes the reader wonder what a great entrepreneur should have, hence the title.

Pros and cons:

  • Pros:

    • It's a very interesting book.

    • It can help you in the future, training you as a possible entrepreneur.

    • The writer mentions many real cases with successful people or companies.

    • When complex explanations are made, they are illustrated with an image to make it more understandable.

  • Cons:

    • It is a fairly extensive book with quite a complex vocabulary.

    • There are incomprehensible parts if you don't have a certain knowledge about economics.

    • It is not a book that the public can read, since it deals with a complex and little-known subject.

Personal opinion:

I liked the book because I have learned many things I didn't know about companies and the people who make them up. I liked how the author explained things because he has explained them precisely, without beating around the bush.

It is a book that I would read again and, even so, I would learn new things again, since the writer gives so much data and so much information, so, for me, it is impossible to remember everything.

Would you recommend it? Why? 

I would highly recommend this book to anyone interested in starting a business or in economics in general. It is quite a long book, and you have to pay a lot of attention, so it is not a book I would recommend to people who just like to read.

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