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5. ANGLICISM:A word, phrase, idiom, or feature of the English language ocurring in or borrowed by another language. 5.1. Some structural anglicisms. 5.1.1. Subject+verb+complement:That is a fixed structure in English. Less used in Spanish. The pronominal subject is rarely used in Spanish, except if the subject is not implicit in the context or if the verb in not inflected. 5.1.2. Verbal syntagma at the end of the sentence. When the subject of a sentence is a very long one, the verb is placed before the subject in the translation into Spanish.5.1.3. Abuse of the progressive form. Timely acting verbs or verbs of final action are not used in Spanish in the progressive form=Spanish simple present. 5.1.4. Demasiado/ suficiente + adjetivo + como + para...5.1.5. Overuse of the passive voice.5.1.6. Hypotaxis. Parataxis is frequently used in English. Hypotaxis in Spanish 5.1.8. ...Or bothThe use of ''o ambos'' should be avoided. 5.2. Lexical anglicisms. Some cases. 5.2.1. Adverbs ending in -ly. In general the adverb is much more used in English than in Spanish. In our language, periphrasis of adverbial sentences of more than a word are preferable. -LY is very commonly used in English and should be either suppresed or used with caution. It can be translated: a)locucion prepositiva: unwillingly= de mala gana b)trasposicion: reportedly = se dice (He is reportedly in Paris). C)trasposicion doble adv+adj/sust+adj: especially serious= de especial gravedad. D)contrario negativizado: certainly= sin duda (modulacion).5.2.4. The adjective.Problems of word order in the sentence. Long premodification in English = postmodification or premodification + postmodification in Spanish. English makes greater use of the adjective= conversion process 

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