The best way to measure motivation

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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Enhances friendship,Provides conflict Resolution,Encourages problem solving solutions,Offers understanding,Makes children more sensitive to one another, Explores feelings,It is fun! 

As part of managing Classes of children positively suggests considering the seven “R’s”: Relationships,Rules,Routines,Rights,Responsibilities, Respect And Rewards. To guarantee an Appropriate attention We should get as much information as possible about our students, so that we could Give an individual response to each of them, but we have to take into account That all of them are willing some sort of reward toencourage theirlearningprocess. Rewarding resources we may use to lead children Towards a positive attitude Singing A rewarding song, Stickers/stamps with different messages, Passports notifying The results, Gestural response. we have to prepare Alternative activities for cases such as fast finishers, special needs students or Those who need support. This can be done with additional materials, an Activities corner or a reading corner with decodables. T3 songs, rhymes and poems…can improve children’s memory, vocabulary, and creative Uses of language….Not only this, they also benefit in terms of developing Literary language and recognizing the sound structure of words. songs for language Learning have been Considered in relation to the Development of the four skills, activation of both hemispheres, memory, Motivation and cultural sensitivity. 

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