The maximum zero mass is the maximum

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MINIMUM TARIFF MÍNIMA “M”: minium charge  M= 39,07€
NORMAL TARIFF “N” : shipments between 45 and 100 Kg.
FREIGHT TARIFF “Q”: applied by sections (+100 kg, +300 kg..)
BASIC TARIFF (“B” + “K”): regular journeys in European,
fixed part + addition per kilogram.
SPECIFIC TARIFF “CORATES”: aimed specific goods like
groceries, beverages …


If maritime transport is used:
a) If value of goods is not declared:
Maximum compensation = 666,67 DEG x package or 2 DEG x kg of gross
weight ( the biggest value is chosen)
b)If value of goods is declared:
Maximum compensation = value of goods
If maritime transport is not used:
Maximum compensation = 8,33 DEG x kg of gross weight

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