
Classified in Training and Employment Advise

Written at on English with a size of 1.51 KB.

1: good-fantastic / interesting-fascinating / funny-hilarious / boring-mind-numbing / atractive-stunning / bad-terrible / frightening-terrifying / surprising-shocking. 2: quite (both), absolutely (strong), really (both), totally (strong), very (normal). 3: really impress-blow away / continue-go on / trust, depend on-count on / discover, learn-find out / begin-start out / invent, create a plan-come up with / wait for sth with pleasure-look forward to / do sth useful for sb-help out / tolerate-put up with / become-turn into / consider-think about / be in an unexpected situation-end up. 4: get into-engancharse a / make up-inventar / pass on-pasar, dar / put off-dejar para más tarde / walk out-abandonar. 5: be well worth-merecer la pena / come across as-parecer / give sth a miss-no hacer algo / laugh out loud-reírse a carcajadas / make it big-triunfar / move sb to tears-emocionar hasta hacerle llorar / take place in-suceder, tener lugar.

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