Iron and steel industry -China

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-Problems: >Oligarchism and caciquism (a way to manipulate the results of election though some local governors or social leaders that used different ways,such as buying votes,arbitrary restrictions or the suffrage):marginalization of other parties from the power(democrats,republicans,carlist,socialists).The 2 main parties controlled the elections through oligarchist and caciques. >Radicalisation of the opposition to the system:working class association,socialism,anarchism.Sometimes with terrorism and 'magnicidio'(assassinations) (Cánovas y Canalejas) >Nationalism:they come from Carlism,were fear to industrialisation,were opposed to the central power and were against the centralisation;In Catalonia:Liga Regionalista and Unió Catalanista;In the Basque Country:PNV;In Galicia:Rexurdimiento(cultural) >Crisis of 98:is the consequence of 1890 Pact of Pardo and the Spanish defeat against USA in 1898 that ended with the Treaty of Paris and Spain lost the last colonies(Cuba,Puerto Rico and Philippines).This crisis provoked feelings of frustration and pessimism.Regenerationist movements encouraged,calling for a real democratic state and the end of caciquism and corruption.


FACTORS OF INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION: >The existence of a strong bourgeoisie that invested in changes in agriculture,mechanisation,factories,transport. >Extensive resources(coal,iron)but also,they have an empire(colonies).(They could take raw materials from all the world). >Population growth(workforce demand of products). >Creation of an extensive transport network that reduce distribution timing and increase commerce. >Mechanisation of products.

INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION:-Agricultural changes: >Enclosure Acts:a series of laws which led to a concentration of land ownership and benefit the big landowners who were able to produce more and increase their profits. >Norfolk four-course:was based on a combination of grains and fodder crops(turnips,clover and alfalfa)that replaced the three-field rotation system.There was more production of food,so land never stop to produce more productivity and more fodder. >Mechanisation:new machines increase productivity and production,so there were less necessity of peasants and an introduce of new seeds and selective(science innovations) >Conclusion:increase productivity and production.

-Demographic changes: >Increase supply of food. >Better hygiene. >Less mortality and diseases. >Conclusion:all of this led to a population growth,more workforce and more demand,so this increased economy.

-Industrialisation of the production: >There were new sources of energy:The steam engine that make possible mechanisation,the hydropower to extract power from river water,the mill in agriculture transport;coal led to the iron industrialisation.After petrol,that were used in the 2º Revolution;electricity led to the industrial revolution. >Mechanisation and factory system:the mechanisation replaced human and animal labour and the factory system organize the labour in full time and concentrate the workforce in a place.All of this led to an increase in productivity  and production.The main industries:Textile(cotton):flying shuttle,spinning machines and power loom;iron and steel:coal was the main fluel.Puddling,Bessemer converter and blast furnace;transports,tools and machines:used iron and steel.Railways,ships,etc. >New transports:reduce timing and costs and increase productivity and commercial expansion that led to a new economic system aimed to the markets consumptions(domestic first and after foreign,include colonies) >Conclusion:there were more productivity and production and a commercial expansion.                                                                                                                                                        

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