Invention by experience

Classified in English

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Dear Sir/Madam,

I Am writing to complain aboutthe room I stayedin last weekend in Leon Hotel, which is in the Center of Leon.

I Have beenon many occasionsin Leon for holidays, and this is thehotel I usually go becauseitis comfortable, quietand thestaffis very friendly and the location is wonderful.

So Last weekend my girlfriend and I decided to spend three days in the city and I Suggested thishotelbut my experience was wrong.

We Ordered a double bed and wereceivedatwice bed. I said in reception Ihad ordereda double bed and I wanted a change, but they Told me that it was impossible because thehotelwas fulland there was any free room.

Saturday Night was terrible, there was aweeding in thehoteland they wereon party until four o’clock in the morning soit was impossible to sleep.

Finally, As you can imagine, I am extremely upset. I would appreciate it if you would Deal with this matter immediately.

I Look forward to hearing from you.


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