Internal leakage in

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interaction an coordination 

the nervous system interacts with both enviroments , this eneble the body to detect changes and provide responses to them / the basic path are stimuls , receptors ( detect stimuls ) , central nervous system (CNS ) , Responses , there are 2 ( muscle effector and Motor response ) ( gland effector  and Secretory response ) / coordination system  nervous system : recives an transmits information rapidly trasmited by electrical impulses trought sensory neurons and responses are short lived / endocrine system : consist on glands and than secrete hormones , the hormones are carried in the blood to the cells responses are slow but long lasting / sensory receptors : capture information from the external and the internal , when a receptor detect stimuls convert the stimuls into a electrical impulse / 2 types ; interoreceptors : to generate body conditions and sensation like thisrt the need to urina estc .... , exteroreceptors ; depending on the stimul can be chermoreceptor ( nose and tongue / chemical substances ) , mechanorecepetor ( skin and ears physical stymul)  , photoreceptors ( retina , light ) thermoreceptors ( skin , temperaturee cange ) or nociceptors ( trought the body , stymul that cause pain )

the sense organs

the sesnse of sight the light stimuli are detected by eyes , each eye consist of the eye ball and accesosy structure . The eye ball is a sphere made up of 3 layers sclera choroid and retina / the eye parst are : ( de izquierda por arriba a derecha por arriba ) extraocular muscle ,sclera , choroid , optic nerve , retina , vitreous humour , aqueous humor , cornea , iris , crystalline lens  / acesory structure  in addition the extraocular enables movement . Eyebrows , eyelids ( cover the eyes and spred tears ) lacrimal glands (they secrete tears and clean surface ) , lacrimal sac (collect the excess of tears an collect them )

how the eyes work 

reflected off objects pass throught the conea and the lens , the lens become more rounded when focus on objest nearby this procces is called acomodation thr image formed in the retina is inverted and smaller . Photoreceptors in te retina convert image into nerve impulses carried to by the optic nerve to the cerebral cortex / the sensee of touch  the skin have 2 layers epidermis (outer layer made up of several layers the ones on the surface dead ) and dermis (contains touch receptors )types of receptors (de izquierda arriba a derecha arriba ) tactile corpuscle , ruffini corpuscles , meissner corpuscle , krause corpuscle , vater pacini porcusple , free nerve endings

typicap disorders 

organsdisorderhealthy habits
mouthcariesreduce sugar un ur diet
skin psioriasisreduce ur stress
nasal cavitiesrinitisdont expose to allergens
eyesmyopiause sun glasses
earotitisremove excess of earwax

component of the nervous system  the nervous system detects and interprets external and internal stimuli , neural tissue is madeup manly of  2 types of cells neurons and glial cells / neurons genere and trasmit nerve impulses the have 3 parts the cell body ( contains the nucleus and most of the cytoplams ) axon ( long fibre that transmits nerve impulses ) dentrites ( recive nerve impulses from receptors ) neuros are clasified by funcions 

snsory neurons  : send information of the receptors to de cns ( central nervous system ) / motor neurons send responsens from cns to effectors / relay neurons conect sensory motor y neurons / glial cells the main types are astrocytes : star shape cells transport nutrients , microglia remove cellular waste , oligodendrocytes they produce the myelin cover or seath found some axons / trasmition of nerve impulses transmitas electrical signals  te impulse travel along the always in the same directions 7 synapse arent phycaly connected there is a gap betwen them called synaptic cleft  / chemical messengers called neurontrasmitters / neurotrasmitters travel across the synaptic clef  detectec by the receptors pf the postynaptic neuron located in the dentrites and or cell body 

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