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1- F                                   4- T
2- F                                   5- T
3- F                                   6- T

1- excitment                   4- information
2- impressions                5- tourist
3- possibility                   6-  popularity       7- importance

1- go sightseeing          4- concerned
2- acomodation            5- keep in mind
3- singup for

1- cruise                                5- damage
2- sank                                  6- aware
3- relationship                      7- passangers
4- treacherous                      8- rescue

1- b                               4- a 
2- f                                5- d
3- c                               6- e

1- I would return (return)..... I know (know)
2- If they had offered (offer)... would you have accepted (accept) it.
3- If Paul doesn't trian (not train).. He won't win (win)

1- If I were you, wouldn't buy the car.
2- I wouldn't have been exhausted if I hand't stayed up all night.
3- If I hadn't reminded him, Sam would have forgottrn about the meeting
4- I could drive if I were old enough
5- Unless I finish my homework, I won't go out with my friends
6- As soon as we locate the passanger, we'll return his luggage to him

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