Ing clauses postmodifier

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Passive Voice: Peter is Said to have left his studies. We had the house painted last week. Have+object+past.Part: I had my hair dyed. My computer was being repared. The house was Knocked down  yesterday. The man was Being follow .Relative clauses: which, who, that, whose, where.Future: Will, be going to, present cont, present simp, future continuous (will Be+ing: next week I will be travelling) future perfect (will have+ past partcl: I will have finished the house next week) Past.perf.Cont: acciones de Progreso en el pasado(had been+verb ing) Past.Perf: acciones completas en el Pasado(had+past). Reported.Spech: present simp-past simp, prsnt cont-past Cont, prsnt perf-past perf, past simp-past perf, will-would, can-could, have To-had to. Modal Verbs: must to, have to, should, may, might, are be Able to,can´t,  

Passive voice: Peter is said to have left his studies. We had the house painted last week. Have+object+ past.Part: I had my hair dyed. My computer was being repared. The house was knocked down  yesterday. The man was being follow .Relative clauses: which, who, that, whose, where.Future: will, be going to, present cont, present simp, future continuous (will be+ing: next week I will be travelling) future perfect (will have+ past partcl: I will have finished the house next week) Past.Perf.Cont: acciones de progreso en el pasado(had been+verb ing)  Past.Perf: acciones completas en el pasado(had+past). Reported.Spech: present simp-past simp, prsnt cont-past cont, prsnt perf-past perf, past simp-past perf, will-would, can-could, have to-had to. Modal Verbs: must to, have to, should, may, might, are be able to, can´t,   

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