Human performance

Classified in Medicine & Health

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above-average temp / heat wave / bitterly cold / lightning / changeable / mild (tmp suaus) / pourinc (xàfec) / flooding /severe / frost (gelada) /hailstone (pedregada)/ thunderstorms (tempesta) / weird (estrany) unpredictable.

high-speed / cold-blooded / well-known /curly-hair (rizado) / performance- enchancing (augment rendiment) /four-lagged / selfcleaning/ hard working / star-shaped / ear-cracking / star-shaped / strange-looking / well trained/ 

endangered/ posisonous / deadly / prey / feathers / cute / bug / tough (dur) / survive /feed on / breed / disguses / swallow / harm / lay eggs / tails / leap (saltiró)

first of all, secondly, What's is more, Finally, to sum up, i personally believe, It's clear to me that,

due to (+ noun) debido a... As a result of (+noun)... Becouse of (+noun)... Since(+clause)....As(+clause). /// therefore (y por eso), as a result, consequently, so, so that, the more, the bett, furthermore (Además), on accound of (a causa de)..., even though, however, nevertheless (no abstante)

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