Human performance

Classified in Religion

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Sofía Miller, a lady with cancer said: "I can't stand going on with chemotherapy anymore, I feel like I'm dead in life, and I don't want it for anyone." This quote caused a lot of sadness in the hearts of many people, but the hospital did not let Sofia take euthanasia, and died in the middle of an operation. I am in favor of euthanasia, so that many people stop suffering.

Suffering is the worst of evils, so one reason is that much pain would be eliminated in the world. A study of psychology.Com said that if you feel a pain in the soul, you could die of depression, so that the suffering would be shortened.

Another reason is that if you don't let a person decide on your body, you are breaking a human right, and that person could also end up committing suicide, by other more painful means.

Although it is a difficult issue to accept, death will reach us all, and each person must choose when they will accept it.

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