Human performance

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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The Rational (Logical) view of management + (All 3 are rational)

1.Fredrick Taylor’s view (Specializing in a certain field): 1. Best way of doing a the job 2. no relationships built.

2.Henry Fayol Strategies:1.Planning 2.Organizing (Time , Money, etc)3.Leading 4.Coordinating 5. Controlling
3.Chester Barnard: 1.3 Elements Cooperation 2.Common Purpose (Goal/Objective) 3.Communication 4.Specializing in a certain field 5. Incentives 6.Authority 7.Decision Making The Alternative Views 1. Symbolic Interaction: Interacting with the world through interacting will understand this world. 2.Postmodernism: Attitude depends on the situation 3.Conflict Theory: Relationships in org are based on conflicts between groups and social classes 4.Critical theory: Critical Views
Human Relations Movement (Theory)1.Work is a natural activity like resting or playing  2. Self - Directed knowing what you want 3. Committed if rewarded 4. Seek Responsibility 5. Creativity

Organization Metaphors 1.Organizations as Machines (work through system), (need to be operated by people), (Producing),(Productivity), (Predictability - Expectation), (Control), (Ability)   2. Organizations Organisms (Survival) (Adaptation) (Open-System)

3.Organizations as Brains : a.Thinking (All Thinking comes from Employees b.Creativity (Strategies, innovation, etc)c. Solve Problems d.Intelligence

Organizations as Cultures (Values ,Beliefs ,Ways of doing things)
Organizations as Political Systems 1.Rules / Regulations 2. Conflicts 3.Competition 4. Power/ Authority

Organizations as Flux (Change) and transformation 1.Flexibility 2.Change 3.Coping and adaptation

Organizations as Instruments of Domination (Ugly Face ,Domination of External (Environment) and Internal (People) environment )

Organizations as Physical Psychic Prisons 1. Trapped Physically 2. Tension, Pressure 3.Controlled (mentally)

Individual Differences in OB 1. Self - Concept: Based on Physical, Social, Spiritual ability 2. Cognition:A Person's Knowledge , Opinions, Beliefs (What you believe in) 3. Self- Esteem:Confidence,

How can low self-esteem be improved ? 1.Being Supportive by showing concern for personal problems, interests, status and contributions 2. Offer work that suits the ability of the employees values, skills and abilities 3. Strive for supervisor - employee cohesiveness and build trust 4. Have certain faith in each employee, self management ability

Six Important Elements of Self-Esteem

Live Consciously: Focus on everything you do and who you are doing it with

Be Self Accepting : Don’t judge yourself on every action

Take Personal Responsibility: Take Action

Be Self - Assertive: Be Original be positive

Live Purposefully

Have a personal integrity: have an honest personality

4. Self Efficiency: Belief in one’s ability to complete a task successfully

5.Learned Helplessness : Helpless low self-esteem, lack of faith in one's ability to control the situation

6.Self Monitoring: to watch yourself, behavior to what degree a person adapts his/her behavior in a situation

7. Locus of control: degree to which a person takes responsibility for his/ her actions and its consequences

8.  The Big FIVE:

Extraversion : How easy it is to make a relationship with others

High: outgoing, talkative, social, positive

Low: introvert, reserved, quiet ( Prefer to do things alone)

     2)   Agreeableness

High: adapter, related to kindness

Low: challenger, cruel, tough, cold

    3)  Conscientiousness : To what degree you are paying attention

High: focused, knowing what you want and doing, independent, responsible, focused on achievement

Low: Flexible - Sloppy, Depending on others ,lack of responsibility, weak, easily distracted

  4)  Emotional Stability  

High: Stable, self confident, relaxed, unworried

Low: unstable - lack of self confidence, depressed and angry

  5)  Openness to Experience : To what degree you are willing to try new experiences (open minded)

High: Explorer, Thinking, Imaginative, Curious

Low: Preserver , Unimaginative , lack of thinking , Traditional, Bounded to a certain Routine  

9. Personality Types

1- Sensing: preference for perceiving directly through the five stages

2- Intuiting: Preference for perceiving indirectly through unconscious

3- Thinking  : Preference for perceiving judging based on a logical objective and impersonal process  

4- Feeling: Preference for perceiving directing perception & judgment outwardly.

10. Intelligence

Mental abilities

Verbal compensation

Words fluency : ability to convert thoughts to words

Numerical Reasoning: Related to numbers

Special Ability


Perceptual Speed

Inductive Reasoning

Chapter 3:

Values: Standards that guide our behavior

2 Types of Values

Instrumental Values : Working Hard

Terminal Values

     3.   Work Values : what a person wants out of work in general

4.   Attitudes: How a Person Behaves in consistent way towards

     5. Cognitive Dissonance (Conflict)

     6. Organizational Commitment: Degree a person is committed to the org goals

     7. Job Involvement : degree a person is involved to job tasks

     8. Job Satisfaction

     9. Factors of Job Satisfaction:

Need Fulfilment : Fulfilling required needs / higher fulfilment higher satisfaction

Discrepancies : Gap between satisfaction and goals

Value attainment


Comparing self with others

Comparing effort with reward

Dispositional / Genetic components

depends on personality

     10. Consequences of Job Satisfaction:



Withdrawal Cognitions

Turnover : higher turnover rate, low satisfaction

Jobs Satisfaction: Higher satisfaction, higher job performance

   11. Emotions : how we feel about our satisfaction of job performance

Felt (actual Emotions)

Displayed (Emotions we are showing)

   12. Emotional Intelligence

Control emotions in a mature way

And those of others

   13. Emotional Contagion

Emotions are contagious

Attracted quickly

   14. Emotional Labor : control / carefully  express feelings

   15. Emotional Dissonance : Conflict between emotions  

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