Human performance
Classified in Physical Education
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Endurance is part of what have been called as Basic Physical Capabilities and also stand at the basis of fitness and health.
- It can be defined as "the physical and mental capacity that the athlete has to support fatigue versus relatively long efforts and / or the ability to quickly recover after finishing the effort."
- Fatigue is defined as the decrease in performance capacity.
- Subjective symptoms of fatigue: dizziness, muscle pain, weakness, eye blinking etc
• Aerobic Endurance The ability of the body to make efforts medium or low intensity for a long period of time and with enough oxygen. The heart rate in this type of effort is between 140 and 160 ppm. It is going to have a better impact on our health.
• Anaerobic Endurance The ability of the body to make efforts intensive but in a short period of time in conditions of low oxygen.
Effects of endurance training
Increase of heart cavity, which will allow the heart store more blood throughout the body.
Therefore, thanks to the aerobic work, heart will work more efficiently and effectively.
Increase in the thickness of the heart wall (work anaerobic).
Improve the functioning of the respiratory system.
The set of changes that occur in the system with the practice of physical activity, are closely related to the cardiovascular system. Cardio respiratory structures becoming more efficient and effective operation are strengthened.
A high endurance capacity provides a strong basis and stability for overall health.
Although the endurance is trainable in all ages, the sensitive phase is situated at puberty due to the increased size of the rib cage and therefore the heart and lungs. It is for this reason that, in aerobic endurance training at this stage affects the later performance capacity.
Training methods for improving the endurance
Continuous running to a uniform rate: consists of running form continuously, that is, for a long period of time to a slow, medium or fast rhythm.
Continuous running to a variable rate: It consists of running form continuously, that is, for a long period of time by changing the intensity of the race.
Continuous running to a progressive rhythm: The running starts slowly and gradually it is increasing.