Human actuality
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-Utopian: positive,persuasive techniques(to the cause Of modern ideas of science and socialism), perfect in moral sense, societies Were ideal in the sense of the best possible, the expected response to the experience was delight/- Distopian:negative, lent the same techniques to the Revolt against modernity,invented whole social orders the order was merely Perfected in social sense, represented the victory or tyranny of the idea, Reader horror
-George- social themes: social themes and the use of Realistic and factual language, he conveyed a vision of human fraternity and of The misery caused by povertry and deprivation. He insisted on tolerance, Justice and decency in relationships, he presented a devasting critique of Totalitarianism, warning against the violation of liberty
-committed Poetry:the poet seldom intrudes as a speaker using the pronoun ‘i’,scepticism About contemporary society, openness to new ideas and a broad range of live Experiences,a social commentary which is not limited to politics, a variety or Form and techniques, a very colloquial tone wich complements the satirical Subject matter, powerful imagery the use of juxtaposition and contrast, a Uniqueand inspiring perspective on the human condition.
-Waiting for godot:abscence of traditional Structure(no setting, no plot, no characters in traditional sense, no action, No dialogue in traditional sense), symmetrical structure( two acts symmetrically Built, stage 2 halves devided by a tree, symmetry of actions, symmetry of Characters=Vladimir(practical) & estragon(dreamer)=didi y gogo), the Meaninglessness of time, the language(follow his own thoughts, informal)
-theatre of absurd: absence of a real story or plot, Vagueness about time place and characters, the value of a language is reduced The words spoken by the characters, incoherent babbling makes up the dialogue, extensive Uses of pauses silences miming and farcical situatios which reflect a sense of Anguish
-Symbolic:-characters(jack: savagery,violence and instinct, Sense of discipline,affresive force, dictatorship & bloodthirsty/Ralph: Handsome,cheerful and mild,stands for reason, democracy and civilisation, turns Into victim/piggy: ralph´s supporter, physically unfit, voice of rationalism, Believe rescue by adult society, death=jack´s triumph/simon: intelligence and Sensitive, sees the best, frantic nature scares the rest of the boys, death=end Of civility and rationality)-characters(fire: destruction & rescue/white Shinig conch: authority/ painted faces: savagery/piggi´s glasses:power/the head Of a pig:forces of evil and sacrificial victim)
-Winston smith:a sense of loss, a feeling that beauty and truth, and all finer emotions And values, belong to the past. Winston evokes Churchill's patriotic appeals For 'blood, toil, tears and sweat' during the Second World War, 'Smith'the Commonest English surname, suggests his symbolic value. Winston is middle-aged And physically weak; he experiences alienation from society and feels a desire For spiritual and moral integrity. /theme: Nineteen Eighty-Four is a satire on hierarchical societies which destroy fraternity. The dictator is 'Big Brother', that controle. The major theme of memory is Linked to a view of morality. An egalitarian post-revolutionary society would Not change values or expect them to be different but would put an end to Exploitation and draw on the best of the past. Thus Winston attempts to write a Diary in which his private memory is defended against the official attempts to Rewrite history.