A History of Architecture: From Neoclassicism to Modernism

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1. The Rise of Neoclassicism

After the French Revolution in 1789, Europe was overtaken by liberal and national movements. What architectural movement was in style at that time that highlighted the use of Greek and Roman forms without overt ornamentation?

c. Neo-Classical

2. Innovations in Reinforced Concrete

In Europe, there were great technical developments in reinforced concrete construction as advanced by Joseph Monier in 1877. Who was the man that substituted steel for iron in reinforced concrete construction and developed the hooked connections for reinforcing bars?

c. Francois Hennebique

3. Principles of Traditional Town Design

Which of the following statements is true about traditional town design?

a. There is a variety of dwelling types within the neighborhood

4. Traditional Town Planning and Street Design

Which of the following statements is true regarding traditional town planning street design?

a. The streets within the neighborhood and town are in a connected network

5. Building Placement in Traditional Town Planning

Which of the following statements is true regarding traditional town planning building placement?

a. The buildings at the neighborhood center are placed close to the street

b. The parking lots and garage doors rarely front on the street

c. Certain prominent sites are reserved for civic buildings such as libraries

d. All of the above

6. The Altes Museum: A Neoclassical Masterpiece

The Altes Museum in Berlin, Germany was done in the style that revived elements of classical antiquity in architecture as highlighted by its monumental entry stop (open colonnade). Who designed the Altes Museum?

c. Karl Friedrich Schinkel

7. The Eiffel Tower: A Symbol of Modernity

What is the name of the most important structure to be erected for the Paris Exhibition of 1889 marking the centennial of the French Revolution?

d. The Eiffel Tower

8. The Ecole Polytechnique: A Model for Architectural Education

The first three-year school for Architecture and Civil Engineering was begun in France by Baptiste Prouselet in 1895. What was the name of this institution which served as a model for all future schools?

a. The Ecole Polytechnique

9. The Altes Museum: Hidden Rotunda

The Altes Museum faces the royal residence across an open square and is approached by a flight of steps, bringing the visitor under an Ionic colonnade and through to the central rotunda. The rotunda is hidden from view in the front elevation (facade) by what element?

d. a raised parapet

10. The Pompidou Center: An Unconventional Landmark

The Pompidou Center in Paris, France was designed as a competition entry by what two architects?

c. Piano and Rodgers

11. Brutalism: Exposing the Building's Systems

The Pompidou Center exposes all its building systems, such as the structural and environmental systems. What is the name of this unconventional modern style?

a. Brutalism

12. Robert Venturi: Challenging Architectural Norms

The architect Robert Venturi wrote two trend-setting books, one was “Learning from Las Vegas.” What was the name of his other important book?

d. Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture

13. Frederick Law Olmsted: Designing Central Park

What was the name of the great American landscape architect who designed Central Park in New York City?

b. Fredrick Law Olmstead

14. The Empire State Building: A Skyscraper Icon

The Empire State Building in New York City is a skyscraper, the world’s tallest building until the World Trade Center Towers (1973). The Empire State Building was built in 1929-31 to what height?

d. 1,250’

15. The Altes Museum: A Pantheon-Inspired Rotunda

The Altes Museum uses the central rotunda to display classical statues. The rotunda is scaled in a similar fashion to the Roman Pantheon; it has a singular ocular window and what type of ceiling for the dome?

b. coffered

16. The Gothic Revival in England

Although most of Europe embraced Roman and Greek forms as popular architectural motifs, in England, however, during the period of High Victorian 1868, the Gothic Revival was very popular thanks to Sir Charles Barry and what designer of the Houses of Parliament?

a. A.W.N Pugin

17. The Houses of Parliament: Blending Gothic and Modern

In the Houses of Parliament, the Victoria Tower, when erected, was the tallest square tower at 336 feet in height. Although done with load-bearing walls and Gothic motifs of pointed arches internally, it was supported by what relatively modern devices?

d. Cast-iron columns and beams

18. Le Corbusier and the Villa Savoye

Who was the designer of Villa Savoye, built in Poissy, France in 1928? Totally devoid of ornamentation and conceived as an object building, it was the beginning of the Modern Movement in architecture.

d. Le Corbusier

19. The Skyscraper and Zoning Laws

The shape of the skyscraper included elements such as steel frame construction and vertical aluminum banding on the facade. However, the stepping back of the building massing was due to what influence?

b. The New York Zoning laws —> (to allow light into the street)

20. The Empire State Building: More Than Just a Skyscraper

The Empire State Building is characterized by three parts, as are all skyscrapers: the base, the middle, and the top. In the Empire State Building, the top is composed of an observation tower and a mast used for landing what type of vehicles?

b. a blimp

21. Mies Van Der Rohe's Glass House: Hiding Fabrication Marks

In Mies Van Der Rohe’s Glass House, the zinc-coated steel frame is covered with white enamel paint, and polished to a high finish in order to hide any marks of this method:

b. fabrication

22. The Houses of Parliament: Battling Pollution with Limestone

The three-story facade of the Houses of Parliament is extremely long at 800 feet in length. It houses the House of Lords and the House of Commons debating chambers. The use of limestone and dolomite as facing material was implemented because of what concerns?

a. the effects of coal-burning pollution

23. The Central Tower and Natural Air Circulation

The Central Tower in the Houses of Parliament was used as a device to improve what type of circulation?

d. natural air circulation

24. Sir Joseph Paxton and the Crystal Palace

The Crystal Palace was designed for the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London, England, the first international exposition of industrial design. Who was the pioneer designer of this remarkable structure?

d. Sir Joseph Paxton

25. The Crystal Palace: A Feat of Construction

What was the amazing construction time for the Crystal Palace?

d. six months


d. six months

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