What happened to a good man with his son
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1 1. Gets good marks 6. Get to school T.1
2. Get a job 7. Get home
3. Get lost 8. Am getting tired
4. Got dark 9. Got an award
5. Get permission 10. Get pocket money
2 1. Stay away 4. Get along
2. Personal 5. Stand out
3. Live up to 6. Likely to
3 1. Surprised 6. Helpless
2. Painless 7. Embarrassed
3. Thoughtful 8. Surprising
4. Useless 9. Thoughtless
5. Helpful
4 1. Gets up, got up
2. Has … finished, meeting
3. Fell, was reading
4. Have … been, went
5. Arrived, had … finished
6. Am going to talk / will talk, happened
7. Visit, will meet
5 1. Am getting 4. Will rain
2. Didn’t study 5. Had finished
3. Will talk 6. haven’t seen
6 1. A. Was watching television b. Watch television
2. A. Haven’t seen Mark b. Didn’t see Mark
3. A. Goes to the beach b. Went to the beach
4. Are you doing b. You haven’t done
5. A. Is raining heavily b. Was raining heavily
6. A. Is getting dark b. Was getting / got dark
4 1. Will have finished 4. Won’t have started T.2
2. Will be sitting 5. Won’t be playing
3. Will be living 6. Will be raining
5 1. I will be working all afternoon.
2. By next week, I will have finished my project.
3. In August, I will be climbing in the Himalayas.
4. Within the next few weeks, I will have decided what to
5. By tomorrow, I will have found a solution.