Good morning, have you got

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Nowadays, when you travel to an unknown city you manage with travel guide or go by your own. The cuestion is, would it be better?

On the One hand, to travel with everything organized has many Advantages. For one reason, it Gives you easier and faster than if you planned. Do not have to spend time Thinking which places you are going to visit, where you are staying ... It also you have a guide which takes You to different places and provides you new information.

On the other hand, going by yourself may be quite inconvenient because is More expensive. In addition, if you are not very good with the official language of The place you go, you can have several problems when you are going to communicate with other People.

To sum up, organized trips are more comfortable than disorganized ones. However,If you want to see and do the most possible things in the least possible Time, then an organized tour may be your best choice.

Guggen is one of the most original museums in Bilbao.IT´s a museum of modern and contemporaly art.It stand on near the Nervion river, which runs through the city of Bilbao.Aproximatly it was built 20 years ago.

If you stend outside the museum, it´s supposed to look like a ship, it´s made of titanium panels that remaind us fish scales. It´s very special because of it´s strange original and modern.

It´s a very spacious building when you can see see different pieces of art.They often change exhibitions and they used  to be unusual.

If ou go once you will want to come back many more times.

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