Good morning, have you got

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I like going to the cinema. Last week I went to see "El Ilusionista".
It was made in 2006 by Neil Burger. It is a dramatic film. It's a screen adaptionadaptation of the book The Illusionist, wrottewritten by Steven Millhauser, who wins the Pulitzer reward.//It's an American film. The film is about a young magician who knows a beautiful young princess. It was around 1870 in Viena. It has a happy end.//
I like both American and European films. I think American films have more budget and effects than the Europeans.//
In Spain we have very famous directors and actors. Pedro Almodovar is one famous director who has won one Oscar, and Penelope Cruz and Antonio Banderas are two very good Spanish actors even in Hollywood.///mkjcvxjb.Cvbbbbbbbbj>

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