Who did George try to find out what wanted

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CHAPTER 7 1º Why was Elisabeth surprised that Darcy wanted to marry her?Darcy had convinced Charles not to marry Jane because she wasn´t rich and had no important connections. There was no difference between Elizabeth and Jane, yet Darcy wanted to marry Elizabeth.2º Why did Darcy write the letter to Elizabeth?She had accused him of two things and the wanted her to know the truth about them.3º How did Darcy explain the fact that he hadn´t wanted Charles to marry Jane?He knew that Charles loved Jane but he thought that Jane didn´t love Charles, so he was protecting his good friend.4º Why did Darcy hate Wickham?

Wickham´s behaviour was not good or moral. He demanded all the money from Darcy’s father in one go and spent it very fast. Then he tried to secretly marry Darcy’s sister, Georgiana although he didn’t love her. He just wanted her money.

5ºWhat was Elizabeth’s reaction to Darcy’s letter?

 She believed Darcy and no longer blamed him for his behaviour. She saw he had good qualities.CHAPTER 8

1º Elizabeth decided not to tell Jane the real reason for Charles Bingley’s behaviour. Why?

The truth would not change anything. It would only hurt her feelings more because it was clear that Jane still loved him.

2º How did Jane feel after hearing the true story of Wickham’s behaviour?

She was shocked because she always wanted to believe that people were good.

3º Why did the sisters decide not to tell anyone the truth about Wickham?

They knew that Wickham’s regiment was moving to Brighton and they thought that no one would see him again.

4º Why was Elizabeth worried about Lydia’s going to Brighton alone?

Elizabeth knew that Lydia was not very intelligent and she often acted stupidly.

5º Why did Elizabeth’s feelings towards Darcy change when she visited Pemberly?

Elizabeth’s respect for Darcy grew after she heard about all the good things he had done. She understood that his character was much better than she had thought.CHAPTER 91º Elizabeth was surprised when she met Darcy’s sister, Georgiana. Why?

Elizabeth had expected Georgiana to be an arrogant, vain young woman. But she was really a shy young girl and Elizabeth liked her immediately.2º What did the Gardiners learn about Wickham from their friends? How did this change their opinion of him?

He had not acted with integrity. When he left, he owed money to a lot of people and Darcy paid his debts for him. They understood that Wickham was not a good person and they were happy that Elizabeth was not involved with him.3º Why did Caroline behave so nastily to Elizabeth?

Caroline was jealous of Elizabeth because she wanted Darcy for herself.4º What did Caroline say after Elizabeth and the Gardiners left the hotel, and what effect did this have on Darcy?

She said disagreeable things about Elizabeth. This made Darcy angry and he left the room.

3º Why did Caroline behave so nastily to Elizabeth?

Caroline was jealous of Elizabeth because she wanted Darcy for herself.4º What did Caroline say after Elizabeth and the Gardiners left the hotel, and what effect did this have on Darcy?

She said disagreeable things about Elizabeth. This made Darcy angry and he left the room.CHAPTER 10 1º What does Elizabeth learn from Jane’s first letter?

Elizabeth learns that Lydia has run away with Wickham and that the young couple plan to marry in Scotland.2º Why does Elizabeth feel that she is responsible for what happened?

Elizabeth feels responsible because she did not warn Lydia that Wickham had no honour or integrity.3º Why does Mr. Bennet apologise to Elizabeth when he returns from London?

He apologises because he did not listen to Elizabeth advice. He made a mistake when he let Lydia go to Brighton alone.4º Wickham is willing to marry Lydia on one condition. What is it?

Mr. Bennet must agree to give him a certain sum of money immediately and another sum of money every month.CHAPTER 11 1º What does Mrs Bennet think about Lydia’s marriage? Do you think that would be the typical opinion of any 19º century mother? Why?

She is delighted. She is just happy her daughter is getting married and doesn’t care to whom. No. I think the typical 19th century mother would be worried about the dishonour such a marriage would cause her family.2º How do we know that Lydia does not feel ``horrible’’ about all the trouble she caused?

Lydia was as noisy and wild as always. She talked all the time and didn’t notice that her father and older sisters were very quiet.3º List three ways Darcy helped the Bennet family.He found Lydia and Wickham in London. B) He paid all Wickham’s debts and agreed to pay him a large amount every year. C) He said he would find Wickham a new position in the army.4º  According to Mrs Gardiner, what was the real reason for Darcy’s helpfulness?Mrs Gardiners thought he was so helpful because he was in love with Elizabeth.5º Mrs Bennet is delighted to see Bingley but she is rued to Darcy. Why does she treat both men so differently?

Mrs Bennet is nice to Bingley because she hopes he will marry Jane. She is rude to Darcy because she thinks he is an arrogant man who once insulted Elizabeth and treated Wickham badly.CHAPTER 12 1º How does Jane’s engagement to Bingley improve the family’s status in the neighbourhood?Before the engagement, everyone thought they were ``the lucky Bennett’’ because their daughter is engaged to a rich man.2º Why does Lady Catherine come to visit Elizabeth?Lady Catherine wants to know if Elizabeth is engaged to Darcy or not, and to tell her she will never agree to it.3º Why doesn’t Lady Catherine approve of Elizabeth family?The Bennett hasn’t got any money or connections. Their family’s behaviour is terrible.4º After Lady Catherine visit, Elizabeth and Darcy get together. Why? Explain the way Elizabeth and Darcy reacted to this visit.Darcy realises Elizabeth’s opinion of him has changed because of her hostile reaction to his aunt’s ultimatum. Elizabeth felt very upset and sad.Lady Catherine’s visit gave Darcy the courage to speak to Elizabeth again.5º Why is everyone surprised when Elizabeth and Darcy decide to marry?Everyone thought Elizabeth disliked Darcy. She didn’t tell anyone that her feelings had changed.

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