Who did George try to find out what wanted

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Mabel, W. Somerset Maugham At a club in a village on his way to Pagan, the narrator Is told the story of George, a local man. George had met Mabel in England and they had agreed to marry in six Months; but difficulties had made it seven years. On the Day she was coming, George felt that he couldn’t marry A woman he practically didn’t remember, so he wrote a Letter for her and left. His escape led him across Asia, But wherever he arrived there was news that Mabel was Following him. When he finally felt safe, Mabel arrived And said how relieved she was to see he had not changed, As it would have otherwise been difficult to tell him She would not marry him. After five minutes they were Married. Now Mabel is on a trip and George misses her. 

The Barber’s Uncle, William Saroyan A boy of eleven decides to have his hair cut when a bird Tries to nest in it. The barber, a wise man who shares the Boy’s love for the contemplation of the paradoxical nature Of the world and man, tells him the story of his uncle Misak. Misak lived on fighting people until he lost his Strength and, at the age of forty, poor and lonely, travelled The world and joined a touring show in which he put his Head in a tiger’s mouth. Eventually, the tiger bit his head Off. The boy leaves the barber’s shop with a bad haircut And a deep reflection on the loneliness of man and the Contradictory nature of reality. 
The Rocking-Horse Winner, D.H. Lawrence Paul, a little boy, hears from his mother that they are an Unlucky family. In his house, he permanently hears the Echo of the need for more money. He decides that he Won’t be unlucky and asks his rocking-horse about the Winners in horse races, which he learns about from the Gardener – a secret he shares with his uncle. Paul gathers a Large amount of money for his mother, but it doesn’t seem To be enough, and getting more becomes an obsession that Leads him to a brain fever that eventually kills him. His Mother is left with 80,000 pounds and no son.
Springtime on the Menu, O. Henry Sarah, a copy-typist, types the menus for a restaurant in Exchange for daily meals. Spring has come, which she has Been waiting because Walter, a young farmer she met the Summer before, promised her they would marry when It came. But the weather is still cold, and Walter has not Written in two weeks. Sarah types the menus daydreaming Of a day on the farm, when Walter put dandelions on Her hair. She cries as she sees a dish of dandelions on the Menu, and she mistypes its name: ‘Dearest Walter with Hard-boiled egg’. This mistake, together with a problem in Her W key, enables Walter to find her when he goes to the Restaurant by chance. She had moved and Walter had not Been able to find her

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