Who did George try to find out

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transit..Nationalism: this type of music based on legends, folk songs and melodies which capture the feeling of each country.Impresionism: it´s a parabell movement to impressionist painting, this music tries to describe visual images y sensations. 1945 neoclassicism: this music is based on traditional musical ideas but including a wide range of interpretations, rhythm to simple abstract compositions. Expresionism: schomberg developed a new system with scale of 12 notes in which all sounds have the same importance. Jazz: simple musical ideas extended and developed throught improvisation. After..Serialism: series of notes orderer according to mathematical laws the wanted to explore the limits or music.
electroacoustic: electronic sounds combined with traditional instruments. Minimalism: one musical idea is repeated once and again in different registres in order to create special athmospheres. Open music: any increíble possibility has its place in this style. Jon cage-open, falla-nacio, satie-neo, Philip glass-mini, strav-neo, Debussy-impres, shonberg-expre, mussorgsky-natio, amstrong-jazz..
between miro-satie: try to scape from the reality to find a refuge on a magnific world. Munch-expressionism: all arts are related that´s why they´ve got the same features in diferent period. Einstein-arquitectura: all kinds of artist or scientist have to start new ways of investigation, of everything, to organice the society.

both artist reflect the situation on their
society to make people realice the problems
of that time.º Picasso uses only black and
white colors to reflect the horror of the
war. ºbob Dylan is the first artist that uses
protest lyrics. This song became hymn of young people.

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