Formation of hypertonic urine

Classified in Biology

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Hormones: Influences metabolic activities Of cells by means of hormones
Pituitary gland: Hangs by a stalk from the hypothalamus in the Brain ¡ Protected by the sphenoid bone ¡ Has two functional lobes ¡ Anterior Pituitary—glandular tissue ¡ Posterior pituitary—nervous tissue ¡ Often called The “master endocrine gland”
Endocrinology:Study of hormones and endocrine organs
Central Nervous System:(CNS): Components: brain and spinal cord Functions: receives, processes, and transfers information
Sensory neurons carry information toward the CNS
Motor neurons:carry information away from CNS
Spinal Nerves: a part of the peripheral nervouse System —carry impulses to and from the spinal cord
Peripheral Nervous System Components: nerves Outside CNS
Neuron specialized cells to transmit messages:
Axon Send info,Size varies (up to 1 Meter) 1 / neuron Axon hillock: Area of body from which axon arises Sends signals away,
Dendrites : receive info,Branching structures that receive Signals 100’s / neuron Short distance signals
Brain in Central Nervouse System.
Cerebrum cerebral cortex: higher function,Paired (left And right) superior parts of the brain Ø Include more than half of the brain Mass,The surface is made of: Ø Gyrus – ridges Ø Sulcus - grooves,Lobes of the Cerebrum Ø Fissures (deep grooves) divide the cerebrum into lobes Ø Surface lobes Of the cerebrum Ø Frontal lobe Ø Parietal lobe Ø Occipital lobe Ø Temporal Lobe,
CEREBELLUM   Controls balance and equilibrium Timing for Skeletal muscle activity Coordination of body movement, cordinates basic Mvmts
Fallopian Tubes  • Receive the ovulated Oocyte • Site for fertilization • Does not physically attach to the ovary • Fimbriae – finger-like projections receive oocyte • Cilia inside the tube
Spinal cord Extends from skull to lumbar vertebra Provides 2-way conduction pathway to and from brain Cauda equina Collection of Spinal nerves
Kidney Dorsal wall • Abdominal cavity • Renal Vessels,Located along the posterior wall of the abdominal cavity • Blood flow In/out: -> Renal artery <- Renal vein • Anatomy: • Renal capsule • Renal Cortex • Renal medulla • nephrons • Renal pelvis
Ureter Tubes that transport urine from kidney to Urinary bladder • Tissue composed of transitional epithelium, smooth muscle and Connective
Urinary bladder Can increase 6x size • Transitional epithelium And smooth muscle,
Diploid First cell of a new individual
Urethra male, Extends from the base of the urinary bladder to The tip of the penis • Prostatic Urethra • Spongy Urethra • Carries both urine And sperm • Sperm enters from the ejaculatory duct
Nephron Functional unit of the kidney • Produce urine • Composed of hollow tube of epithelial cells (tubule) & blood vessels • Remove lots of fluid from blood and then return almost all of it to the Blood,Glomerular capsule (Bowman’s capsule) • surrounds glomerulus • Formation Of urine • Plasma fluid is filtered out of capillaries into the capsule • Continues to tubule • Proximal tubule • Loop of Henle • Distal tubule • Collecting ducts drain urine into renal pelvis,
Testes Seminiferous tubules • Tightly coiled structures • Function as sperm-forming factories • Sperm travels to the epididymis • Interstitial cells produce androgens such as testosterone

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