Fast an furios

Classified in Music

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DANCE IN THE BAROQUE: During the reign of Louis XIV,

Ballet du cour: Dance theatrical played, Started “overture”, Ended “grand ballet”, “Entrees”-mix of dance and singing, Luxurious clothes and masks

Social dance: The suite: Compound istrumental form, Composed by a group of dancers

Allemande: slow, binary / Courante: fast, ternary / Bourrée: fast, binary / Sarabnade: solem, slow, ternary / Gigue: fast dance 6/8

CLASSICISM: transition from the early modernperiod to the contemporary age (1730-1820)

French revolution broke the power of absolute monarchies, Music slowly abandoned church and palace cicles, Music get closer to bourgeoise


Opera seria: Christoph W.Gluck (1714-1787), new opera Orpheus and Eurydice

The reformo f Gluck esatablishes the characteristics of serious opera: more credible plots, thre-act structure, mithological themes with heoric endings

Opera buffa: -plots base don daily life, shorter structures with fewer characters and smaller orchestra.

exposition: main key-bridg-main key key / development / rcapitulation: main key-bridg-main key / coda

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