Divided attention

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Compiling a newsletter

  1. Remember Who are listening Think About your target audience. You must know who is tuning the information you are Giving and what they need to know. Focus on news and information relevant to The target audience of your channel.

  2. Variety Is the spice of life: It offers Various information. The news tends to be multi-colored and multi-faceted, like Real life. It should highlight how the news impacts the lives of your audience.

  3. A Pleasant voice is important to ensure that your audience returns. Try to record some of your newsletters and hear them again. Would you Like to wake up and hear that? The audio creates emotions. An attractive voice That attracts attention of the audience is important.

  4. Small can Be beautiful: Longer it is not Necessarily better. A seven minutes newsletter will not be better than a five If the extra two are stuffed or not reach the point.

  5. Slow Down, it's not a race: Do not Rush. Make sure your audience understands what you're saying.

  6. Do not Serve expired news: Is your Newsletter fresh, dynamic and stimulating? Rewriting is essential because many People will hear several bulletins during the day.

  7. The radio Is sounds, not just your voice: The Sounds are important. A news bulletin is much more appealing to the public if It includes sounds. This may be an audio clip of 5 or 10 seconds of an Interview or sounds from the scene of an incident.

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