"death in the freezer"

Classified in Physics

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overweight, strong, thin, well-built, medium-height, short, tall, bald, blonde, curly, dark, fair, long, medium-lenght, short, spiky, straight, wavy, attractive, cute, good-looking, pretty, arrogant, bossy, calm, cheerful, clever, confident, funny, hard-working, impatient, lazy, nervous, nice, patient, quite, reliable, selfish, bright, tidy, elderly, glad, handsome, outgoing, slim, arrivals, cancel, coach, delay, departures, fare, hot-air balloon, lorry, platform, return, rocket, tram, bed and breakfast, campsite, hostel, tent, motel, break down, check in, get away, get in, get into/out of, get on, get off, take off, set off, 

block of flats, bungalow, city centre, cottage, detached house, factory, flat, inner city, outskirts, port, semi-detached house, skyscraper, square, suburbs, terraced house, crowded, dirty, lively, noisy, ancient, dreadful, enormous, filthy, packed, stunning, semi-skimmed milk, plum, sweetcorn, main course, starter, raw, roast, spicy, stale, tasty, cooperate, overbook, international, overcooked, precooked, recooked, redo, undercooked, underestimate, architecture, business studies, chemistry, computer science, physics, psychology, assessment, 

assignment, coursework, essay, fail, mark, scholarship, terms, timetable, resit, electrician, employee, farmer, instructor, journalist, librarian, physicist, technician, trainee, dishwasher, fridge-freezer, vacuum cleaner, select, switch on/off, tap, afraid of, aware of, bored with, different from, good at, interested in, pleased with, ready for, responsable for, similar to, tired of, worried about, athletics, baseball, diving, weightlifting, course, court, gym, pitch, pool, rink, slope, track, bat, boots, goggles, beat, bounce

catch, draw, hit, kick, lose, nil, pass, point, shoot, throw, give in, go for, join in, knock out, take up, warm up, work out, audience, cast, exhibition, gallery, landscape, self-portrait, sketch, stage, still life, performer, pianist, sculptor, singer-songwriter, uninspired,  composer, drummer, embarrassed, disappointed, frightened

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