I is correct ii is correct

Classified in Technology

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Conventional: Cut the scene from wider to narrower shots (master wide, medium, close Up…) and go back to the wider to reveal the outcome. Reveal: Cut the scene from narrower to wider. Matching action: Cut on movement. Overlap: Audio leads video or video leads audio. Match cut: metaphorically linking shots that share common characteristics (objects, Compositions, space...). Flash cutting: the duration of the shots is very brief.   Subliminal cutting: introducing a frame with a subliminal message. Cross cutting: alternating various lines of action. Elliptical editing: omitting time. Jump cut: cut to a shot that is very similar to the previous. Produces a “jumpy” image. Invisible editing: a cut that is not perceived by the viewer.

THE EDITING PROCESS: The rough cut: A first dray of the final product, where things are tested and the material is raw. In non fiction videos, it is convenient to set up the audio first (voice over) and include the Broll That illustrates it. The final cut: Is the final product. The rough cut has been polished and the material has gone through Further post-production (coloring, audio mix, graphics…). EDITING AUDIO: - Elements: ambience, dialogue, voice over, music, roomtone, other sounds… - Use J-Cuts and L-Cuts to smooth the dialogue scenes. - Transitions such as fades and dissolves also apply to sound editing. - Correct volume levels. - Listen to it. 

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