I is correct ii is correct

Classified in Spanish

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1 .Carefully read the next body letter identify each part and write it in the correct space using the box below

Dear Mr. Parker:

It is a pleasure to acknowledge your request for a single room at our Hotel for the night of Tuesday April 16. We have made the reservation of a room With a private bathroom, and we look forward to the opportunity of receiving You.

In case you have to change your plans and cannot use this reservation, Please cancel it promptly. By doing this you will be helping someone el se who Night otherwise find it difficult to get accommodations.

All hotels in this city are usually all booked to capacity.

4. Write a Quotation letter

Opening: we are working on some new houses.

Focus: we need 30,000 meter of 15 amp cable.

Action: Could you send us a quotation for this volume. We would like to take a decision. 

Closing: Looking ti hearing from you.

3. Complete and translate into Spanish the folloeing letter.

Estimado Sr. / Sra. Apellido] Quisiera expresar mis profundos remordimientos por (acción) y disculparme por mis acciones. Era inapropiado, irrespetuoso y carecía de la profesionalidad que usted y mis colegas esperan de un empleado en (nombre de la empresa).
Mientras que no puedo después de lo que ha transcurrido he tomado sleps para asegurar que incidentes y malentendidos similares no ocurrirá en el futuro.
Valoro nuestra relación profesional relacional y creo firmemente que nuestro trabajo en equipo continuará produciendo un trabajo sólido que beneficiará (nombre de la empresa) y nuestros (clientes / clientes)

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