I is correct ii is correct
Classified in Mathematics
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Economic analysis: analyse the financial cost of manufacturing the product and its selling price. We study whether the materials and manufacturing procedures used are cheap or whether they make the product more expensive. We determine whether the selling price of the object is correct by comparing it to similar objects.
Technical analysis: evaluate how the object was made. This analysis includes the study of its material the technology used to make ir, how its parts are joined together and the environmental risks of the materials used.
Social analysis: study the object from the point of view of its social impact and analyse the human needs that it meets. We also evaluate its environmental impact and recyclability.
Aesthetic analysis: evaluate how our senses react to the object, its appearance, whether it looks nice or not, whether we find it attractive, ect. This analysis is very important for some objects because the appearance of the product could motivate a potential buyer to purchase it.
Historical analysis: evaluate the possible reasons why the object emerged and its historial development. We also analyse its possible future development.
Planned obsolescence: products stop working after a time because they have been designed to stop working properly after that period. This type of behaviour is unethical and it can have the opposite effect to what retailers expected: consumers may decide to purchase the products of a different brand instead.
Perceived obsolescence: A product is created and the the same product is sold later with a slight design modifications. This happens with clothes, one year, baggy pants are consider “trendy” but next year, the fashion is slim fit pants. This encourages buyers to purchase new products.
Obsolescence of electrical and electronic components: generally, when an electrical product is damaged, it is more expensive to repair it than to buy a new one, so we often decide to throw away the faulty product.