How to convert 110.0011 to base 10

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Non-binary computers Imagine a computer based on base-10 numbers. Then, each "switch" would have 10 possible states. These can be represented by the digits (known as "bans" or "dits", meaning "decimal digits") 0 through 9. In this system, numbers would be represented in base 10. This is not possible with regular electronic components of today, but it is theoretically possible on a quantum level.

Is this system more efficient? Assuming the "switches" of a standard binary computer take up the same amount of physical space (nanometers) as these base-10 switches, the base-10 computer would be able to fit considerably more processing power into the same physical space. So although the question of binary being "inefficient" does have some validity in theory, but not in practical use today.

Why do all modern-day computers use binary then? Simple answer: Computers weren't initially designed to use binary... Rather, binary was determined to be the most practical system to use with the computers we did design.

Full answer: We only use binary because we currently do not have the technology to create "switches" that can reliably hold more than two possible states. (Quantum computers aren't exactly on sale at the moment.) The binary system was chosen only because it is quite easy to distinguish the presence of an electric current from an absense of electric current, especially when working with trillions of such connections. And using any other number base in this system ridiculous, because the system would need to constantly convert between them. That's all there is to it.

How to operate on BINARY. How it works.Computers use the binary number system. The term "binary" simply means "two", and the binary number system uses base 2 . The decimal number "5" is represented in binary as "101" and the decimal number "2" is represented in binary as "10".Binary is quite simple – in fact, if it weren't for the fact that we used the decimal system, we would consider binary to be much simpler. Binary numbers have only 2 possible values per place value – 0 and 1 – so you don't need to worry about what to do with different "on" states in each place value.

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