Conceptual delimitation" "social work

Classified in Geography

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5. Who was Carlos V? What territories did he inherit and who did he inherit
them from?
Carlos V de Habsburgo was the grandson of the Catholic Monarchs.
He inherited a large Empire from his four grandparents:
- From his mother, the crowns of Aragón and Castilla and their extensive
territories in the Mediterranean and America.
- From his father and his paternal grandmother, Flanders and Burgundy.
- From his paternal grandfather, Austria, other territories in the Holy Roman
Empire and the right to the title of Emperor.
There was no real political unity in this vast empire, as the only thing the Kingdoms
had in common was the sovereign.
6. Make a list of wars involving Carlos V.
After he has crowned Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire in 1520, Carlos V’s main
aspiration was to stablish a universal Christian empire. The following groups were
opposed to this:
- The Protestants in the Holy Roman Empire.
- France
- The Ottoman Empire
- The Pope
Carlos V was constantly engaged in wars:
- War against France
- War against the Pope
- Flanders
- War against the Ottoman Empire
- War against the Protestants
7. Who was Felipe II? Which territories did Felipe II inherit? Which did his
uncle Fernando inherit?
He was the son of Carlos V. He reigned between 1556 and 1598.
Felipe II inherited the Kingdoms of Spain and Burgundy.
Fernando inherited the Habsburg Empire and the right to the imperial title.

8. Which were the social problems during the 16 th century?
- Banditry in the Crown of Aragón, where outlaws attacked travellers and rich
property-owners in large rural areas.
- Rebellions.
9. Explain why the conquest of America occurred so quickly. Give at least
three reasons.
- Tactics: the conquistadores captured the emperor.
- Internal conflicts: the conquistadores recruited groups of indigenous fighters.
- Military equipment: the conquistadores used firearms, metal armour and horses.
- Infectious diseases.
10. Why were indigenous tribes more difficult to conquer than large, developed
civilisations with a hierarchical society?
- The tactic of attacking the leader would not work.
- In rainforests, firearms and armour could not be used effectively.
- The conquistadores had to fight numerous exhausting wars.

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