Conceptual delimitation" "social work

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Nowadays, most people think that the internet can become addictive.But is the Internet really addictive? Firstly, I think that the internet is addictive Because most people don´t know how use and are bad example.Secondly,the Internet is neccessary because if you know how to use it, it can help you and In your work. Furthermore, you can buy a lot of thkings throuh the internet. In My opinion, the internet is neccesary in the wold because you can comunicate With your friends and looh a lot of interesting places, So I think that it Isn´t addictive. In conclusion, the internet is addictive if you don´t know how To use it. However if you know to use it, it can help you. Nowadays, most people think that social media is good, but is a good idea to Teach how to use social media safely and legally? Firstly, I think that it is Necessary know how to use social media safely becausa it is very important for The people. Secondly, I thinkn that social media is a good entertaiment for the Children because it is necessary that they know how to use legally and wisdam. Furthermore, the social media can be dangerous if you don´t know how to use Them. In conclusion, social media is a good instrument of communication because The people expres their opinions. Nowadays, Most people think that life ins´t possible Without technology but is it really true? Firstly, I think that it isn´t Possible because technology save us every day because it is help ful in the Wold. Furthermore, technology is a entertainment for the children and it helps At work. In conclusion, I think that it ins´t possible to live with out Technology because it is very important. Nowadays, most people think that animal are very Important. But are all animals very important? Firstl,I think that not all Animals are equally important because for example mosquitos are hideous and Nobody likes them. However.....In my opinion, there are animals that are very Important for example the chikens and cows are neccessary because we can eat Them. In conclusion, I think that not all animals are eque¡ally important nd Necessary because there are animals that are more important thaan other Animals. I love animals. Nowadays, most people think that video games have such A bad reputation.But, are video games bad? Firstly, I think that video games Are bad when you play too much because you to lose a lot of time. For example Fifa 2016. However, mot peole are angry when lose and thay have bad attiude.In My opinion, tha video games aren´t bad because thay are fun if you can play. In Conclusion, Ithink that the video games are bad when you play too much and must Jnow how to play. I think that something sould be done about it. They Don´t know how to use it Nowadays, most people think that they can be taken to Prevent people from smoking, but Is it really true? Firstly, I think that shold Raise the price of cigarethes because so many might not smok. Secondly, smoking Should be more prohitibed because many young people smoke and they should not. Furthermore,smoking in public places should be sancioned with a lot of money. In coclusion, there are many weys to prevent smokers but do not make. Nowadays, most people think that modern ando contemporary art is not real art, But is it really art? Firstly, I think that modern and contemporary art is Abstrat because a lot of people don´t understand. Secondly, modern and Contemporary art is very expensive because most people buy pictures and statues Due to the artist. Furthermore, rich people clean money buying modern and Contemporary art. In my opinion, I don´t like this kind of art because i don´t Understand it and is for rich people and is not real art. In conclusion, modern And contemporary art is luxuary and it isn´t real. Nowadays, most people want to be a celebrity, but being a celebrity has some Advantages and disadvantages. Firstly, I think that being a celebrity has some Advantages. For example, a lot of people want to be your friend, you also are Invited to oped parties and you meet lots of interesting people. Secondly, a Disadvantages is that when you go out the people want a picture. However, being A celebrity isn´t easy because if you do something bad, everybody will know it. Furthermore, celebrities don´t have privacy in their lives. They are normal People but they have special ability. In conclusion, I think that being a Celebrity has some advantages but it isn´t easy because everybody knows you and This is tiring.

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